Tag Archives: oksana cosplay

Exploring NY Comic Con 2017: Day Three (Part 3)

Alright my friends – We are cooking with gas here in the Metal Command HQ and serving up the third chapter from the Day Three explorations of the 2017 NY Comic Con. Since we are so deep into the mix now I will not say much more but suggest that if you are among our new followers that you click on THIS LINK to open everything related to this convention on a new page. It’s easy enough to start enjoying from the beginning so get on that while we continue along. You can catch up at your own pace. There’s a little bit of everything in this chapter with Artist Alley, The Block, The Main Hall, The Trench…..Whew. Let’s get down to business.

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nycc 2017, ny comic con, ny comic con 2017, ny comic con 2017 photos
Continue reading Exploring NY Comic Con 2017: Day Three (Part 3)

Exploring NY Comic Con 2016: Day Three, Part Two (10/8/2016)

Since I still have a lot to do I am going to leave this introduction piece as a very simple “Welcome to the continuing presentations from the 2016 NY Comic Con”. I’m still dishing out my “Day Three” stuff because with this being the Saturday session there is a LOT to see and document. If you are just now joining us please click on THIS LINK first since it will bring you a rundown of all the chapters that have been posted before this one. Now without any further adieu, here is “Day Three: Part Two” 🙂 I’ll chime in here and there but mostly will let the photos do the talking.

ny comic con 2016, nycc 2016

ny comic con 2016, nycc 2016
Continue reading Exploring NY Comic Con 2016: Day Three, Part Two (10/8/2016)

Exploring Special Edition NYC 2015: Chapter Four

convention logos, special edition nyc, special edition nyc 2014

Hello again readers and welcome to the continuing coverage of the Special Edition: NYC for 2015; I’m not going to dance around with any long intro right now since we are deep into the mix of this presentation so let’s get the party started by turning up the “Rock Box” and saying hello to Hip Hop legend, Darryl “DMC” McDaniels. Darryl has his own comic output now under Darryl Makes Comics and he was a big hit at the convention today and talked to every fan he met at length. That is class.

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Special Edition NYC 2015 by Ken Pierce (2015)

Not sure if this is a Lady Sif cosplay but am fairly certain that this is Joanna, a talented seamstress that has been met before at Cons.

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Special Edition NYC 2015 by Ken Pierce (2015)

Continue reading Exploring Special Edition NYC 2015: Chapter Four