Tag Archives: nycc 2019

Scenes From New York Comic Con 2019: Day Four (Part Three)

2019 new york comic con logo

Hello again my friends and welcome to the absolutely last installment from the 2019 New York Comic Con. We’ve covered a lot of ground together over these last couple of weeks of daily offerings and now there is this final one to discuss. If you’ve missed anything so far please click HERE first because I’d like you to see it all. Now let’s get on down to business one last time with a photo of me at the grading area of the con.

new york comic con 2019, nycc 2019, photos from new york comic con 2019, reedpop special events

This young lad created this amazing Godzilla costume from scratch.

new york comic con 2019, nycc 2019, photos from new york comic con 2019, reedpop special events
Continue reading Scenes From New York Comic Con 2019: Day Four (Part Three)

Spotlight On XM Studios @ New York Comic Con 2019

xm studios logo

Hails and Horns my geek-minded readers, you have arrived at the penultimate posting from my adventures at the 2019 New York Comic Con. If you’ve stuck with us from the beginning until now, you are Vikings in my heart and if you are just joining us now then I say “Welcome”. The convention and special features posts that have come before can all be examined by clicking HERE. It will launch a new tab for you to peruse and believe me there is a lot to peruse. My final special feature is a brief one and focused on the XM Studios stuff. Let’s begin with this AMAZING Samurai Eddie. That’s the Official Mascot of Iron Maiden in case you’ve been under a rock all this time.

xm studios, new york comic con 2019, nycc 2019, photos from new york comic con 2019, reedpop special events

I’ve a lot of love for this statue of The Joker and I guess you don’t need me to name all these characters.

xm studios, new york comic con 2019, nycc 2019, photos from new york comic con 2019, reedpop special events
Continue reading Spotlight On XM Studios @ New York Comic Con 2019

Scenes From New York Comic Con 2019: Day Four (Part Two)

2019 new york comic con logo

Greetings my dear readers and how are we doing today? I know what you’re thinking…..how can I possibly still be serving up the 2019 New York Comic Con content so many days after the event has ended and well…..I just am 🙂 As you can see, this is Part Two of Day Four and we are officially down to the wire now with only two more installments to share with you. I admit that even I am running out of steam because I’ve been trying to keep my intro comments vibrant and energetic. If you’re only now joining us so late in the game please click HERE to see whats come before.

new york comic con 2019, nycc 2019, photos from new york comic con 2019, reedpop special events

new york comic con 2019, nycc 2019, photos from new york comic con 2019, reedpop special events
Continue reading Scenes From New York Comic Con 2019: Day Four (Part Two)

Spotlight On Star Ace Toys @ New York Comic Con 2019

star ace toys logo

Hello again my friends and welcome back. For those following along, you know we are winding down with the posts from the 2019 New York Comic Con. Since this was my 10th Straight year attending, I decided to do some special side features like this focus on the Star Ace Toys company. Please enjoy this group of images from their booth and also be sure that you’ve seen all of the convention posts that have run before by clicking HERE. I don’t think that I need to name these characters for you do I. Nah.

star ace toys, new york comic con 2019, nycc 2019, photos from new york comic con 2019, reedpop special events

star ace toys, new york comic con 2019, nycc 2019, photos from new york comic con 2019, reedpop special events
Continue reading Spotlight On Star Ace Toys @ New York Comic Con 2019

Scenes From New York Comic Con 2019: Day Four (Part One)

2019 new york comic con logo

So here I am once more in the playground of the costumed hearts, One more experience, one more entry in a diary, self-photographed – You’ll have to pardon my slight revision of the lyrical masterpiece that is “Script For A Jester’s Tear” by Marillion from back in 1983. We are here though and you’ve arrived at the Day Four offerings from the 2019 New York Comic Con. If you’ve missed any of these fun posts that ran before this one please click HERE to be on point. This last day is going to be a bit of a mixed-bag since I’ve taken care of almost all the things that I wanted to do over the last three days. Let’s go.

new york comic con 2019, nycc 2019, photos from new york comic con 2019, reedpop special events

new york comic con 2019, nycc 2019, photos from new york comic con 2019, reedpop special events
Continue reading Scenes From New York Comic Con 2019: Day Four (Part One)