“This is the end, Beautiful friend, This is the end, My only friend, The end. Of our elaborate plans, the end, Of everything that stands, the end, No safety or surprise, the end. I’ll never look into your eyes again…….” Hey friends, my apologies for seeming rather morose and foreboding but I tend to get that way after a lengthy batch of presentations like these New York Comic Con ones. That said we have indeed arrived at the final installment from this years convention with Part 3 of Day Four right before your very eyes. Since I’ve been telling people about these posts for the last few days I am sure that some are only joining us now and they should click HERE first to see all of the chapters that have come before this latest one. With our final installment I am just going to finish some visuals from the Artist Alley and Main Floor before I head home for some much needed rest. Let’s go.
Continue reading Exploring New York Comic Con 2018: Day Four (Part 3)