Tag Archives: nycc 2013

PiercingMetal Goes To NY Comic Con 2013: Day 4 – Part 3

Greetings and felicitations my friends, I am back with the final chapter of my 2013 NY Comic Con explorations. It’s been some glorious fun presenting our photographic findings to you for the past few days but with this installment that presentation will come to an end until next year’s convention. It was very weird being one of the huddled masses instead of the working press this time around but as I stressed in an earlier chapter, no one is prevented from bringing a camera along with them to the convention and if you are polite the cosplayers are very accomodating. The hardest part I had was making any new engagements with professionals since some of them just didn’t believe me to be the scribe that I am. Oh well, more time to focus on the ones who know the outlet and appreciate our taking time to focus on them. This final chapter is MOSTLY cosplay and since the characters are pretty easy to figure out there will be limited narrative from me. I’m beyond tired at this point but here we go.

ny comic con, nycc 2013, ny comic con 2013

ny comic con, nycc 2013, ny comic con 2013
Continue reading PiercingMetal Goes To NY Comic Con 2013: Day 4 – Part 3

PiercingMetal Goes To NY Comic Con 2013: Day 4 – Part 2

We are cooking with some serious gas here my friends as I continue to steamroll through the Day Four findings of the 2013 NY Comic Con. For this chapter you will find me snapping away in the Artist Alley. My visuals will be a mixture of cosplayer and talented artists and writers. Since most of the talent have their name in the photo as well I didn’t repeat myself and type them. Their links will of course be at the end of the chapter so you can learn some more.

ny comic con, nycc 2013, ny comic con 2013

ny comic con, nycc 2013, ny comic con 2013
Continue reading PiercingMetal Goes To NY Comic Con 2013: Day 4 – Part 2

PiercingMetal Goes To NY Comic Con 2013: Day 4 – Part 1

Greetings my friends and welcome back to the visuals that were snagged from the 2013 NY Comic Con – This chapter begins the Fourth and final day of the convention and with so much done on Day Three I was going to use today as my “clean up” day and that means touching base with made connections once more and snapping whatever else I felt might be interesting.  Let’s start this one up with a spanning visual of the emblem for “Hope”, the iconic “S” that is Superman’s shield.

ny comic con, nycc 2013, ny comic con 2013

ny comic con, nycc 2013, ny comic con 2013
Continue reading PiercingMetal Goes To NY Comic Con 2013: Day 4 – Part 1

PiercingMetal Goes To NY Comic Con 2013: Day 3 – Part 7

Well hello once again dear readers and fans of NY Comic Con, I am here once again to present another chapter in the adventures that I took at the 2013 event over at Javits Center. Now I’ve been dishing out the Day Three stuff for quite a few days already but as you know this is based on just how busy that particular day is. I spent a fair amount of time in the Artist Alley at this point in the day and was glad to feature all of these creative types. I’ll label as needed but most of the folks have their sign in the photo as well, let’s walk.

ny comic con 2013, ny comic con, nycc 2013

Here’s Danny Fingeroth and he was showcasing a lot of his writing work today for all to enjoy.

ny comic con 2013, ny comic con, nycc 2013
Continue reading PiercingMetal Goes To NY Comic Con 2013: Day 3 – Part 7

PiercingMetal Goes To NY Comic Con 2013: Day 3 – Part 6

Hello again my fellow comic book and convention fans and welcome back to another chapter in my 2013 NY Comic Con explorations. I’m closing in on the end of my Day Three adventuring and man has this been a productive day in terms of photography so far.  This post is MOSTLY of the cosplayers but there are some vendors and personalities here as well.  Let’s start with this kitten who has some claws to her cosplay and run down the next fifty images.

ny comic con 2013, nycc 2013, ny comic con

ny comic con 2013, nycc 2013, ny comic con
Continue reading PiercingMetal Goes To NY Comic Con 2013: Day 3 – Part 6