Or “The Nokia Theatre Times Square is now The Best Buy Theatre”
You might recall a recent blog posting where I welcomed back to the world of live performance the venerated Rock concert venue Irving Plaza. Of course, the space had never truly gone away per se, but after running under that name for many decades, it’s purchase by Livenation found it restamped as “The Fillmore NY at Irving Plaza”. You had to admit that it was quite a mouthful but that whole tale can be better examined HERE. Now where was I? Oh yes, the discussion about the venue formerly known as the Nokia Theatre in Times Square. Depending on your age and concert visiting habits, you might only have known this space as the Nokia Theatre because its been that way since early 2005 but before it was converted into one of the cooler places to catch a live band it was a movie theater called the Loew’s Astor Plaza. During its time in this manner it hosted up to 1500 movie lovers and boasted to the world how it had the largest single screen in New York. That was pretty cool, and if my memory serves me correctly I had seen a couple of the Star Wars and Star Trek films here before the conversion. Moving on, I loved when this opened up as a concert venue because now it would fit over 2000 people and depending on the concert would often sell out. The venue is owned by AEG Live (a very well-established concert promoter) and it’s title reflecting its advertising sponsorship. The bright corner sign positioned above 44th and Broadway on Times Square could be seen for blocks depending on your direction of approach and often informed the Metal Republic of sad occurrences such as performance cancellations.
So maybe my title is a little bit misleading because the physical space has not gone anywhere at all and still sits firmly where it has stood for decades on Irving Place, just off 15th Street in NYC. Despite that, Irving Plaza did “go away” for a few years but was now back. Let’s continue shall we? I start with a little background history on the place.
The venue known as Irving Plaza opened its doors way back in 1860 when it was referred to as Irving Hall. Now, I didn’t know this from experience of course and learned it from some historical research that I would need for this little side narration. After a number of interesting changes and owners it came to be called Irving Plaza and the venue would feature Rock, Punk and Heavy Metal shows. My own first experience as a concert goer would be in September of 1997 when the British Progressive Rock legends Marillion were performing for their “This Strange Engine“ album. Having never been inside the place before I had some high hopes as to what I would feel once inside its walls. I liked what I was seeing, but since I was so interested in the show more than my surroundings I had to leave it as “really good” as an experience. Of course I wish I could have said the same for Marillion who had seemed to lose me with this recording and show. Musically it was true that the band was different with Steve Hogarth now on vocals, but I had enjoyed his earliest stuff with them and based on all the changes to format was growing distant from the band as his tenure progressed. Anyways, this is not about my Marillion concerns and is slightly off topic from where I was going with this narrative. So where was I? Oh yeah, the Irving Plaza venue. Well, in 2007 Livenation (a division of Clear Channel Communications) took over the place and did some serious renovations. The standard stuff in regards to paint, interior sprucing up and oh yeah – they also renamed the joint. Ladies and Gentlemen presenting “The Fillmore NY at Irving Plaza”. Continue reading Welcome Back Irving Plaza; You’ve Been Missed…→
Just the other night, the world-famous New York location of The Knitting Factory had its last show, and I will admit that this news makes me kind of sad. Granted the club is not closing for good and never coming back, they have just decided that the Tribeca would be closed down and then relocated over to Williamsburg, Brooklyn. One has to agree that this neighborhood is a hot area in terms of bars and clubs but how the new Knitting Factory will fair over there is anyone’s guess. It now will be in direct competition with The Music Hall Of Williamsburg (the new name for The North Six) and The Warsaw. There is also Club Europa but that is in Greenpoint and only a hop, skip and a jump away from Williamsburg. Technically speaking this news first came about a year ago but then shows kept happening so I was hopeful that it was incorrect. I guess I was wrong and that saddens me because I loved the layout of the venue in the Tribeca space. Continue reading The Knitting Factory Says “No Sleep Till Brooklyn!!!!”→