Back in April, we helped to share the news about the legendary Irving Plaza shutting its doors for a few months to do an extensive and expansive renovation and if you missed the finer details about the story just click HERE to be up to date. Last night the venue hosted its last Rock show for the time being with the band Anberlin who performed for two nights and when it was all said and done, there was a message to the masses and those simply passing by the place. Thanks to our friend in music Morgan K. who snapped this visual and permitted me to use it for this notice.
PiercingMetal Thoughts: So as you can see this is more of a “Ciao For Now” as opposed to the goodbye that was recently said by both B.B. King Blues Club and the Highline Ballroom and even Roseland Ballroom if you choose to scroll back through the pages of time a little longer. New York City has lost a lot of the smaller venues like Tammany Hall and Santos Party House along with Kenny’s Castaways and when Webster Hall returned from its renovation they had left both The Studio and The Marlin Room in the dumpster. It’s my hope that the renovation at Irving Plaza moves along at a steady pace so they get back to booking the shows that so many of us entertained night after night. I don’t know the overall plans for the place but if I learn them I will gladly share the information. My hope is a main floor that doesn’t bounce along with the hundreds of fans because that honestly terrifies me and I also hope for some expanded facilities and maybe even places to charge ones mobile devices and reliable free WiFi. Nowadays, one cannot simply go to a show without snagging a clip or two to share on their social networks to bring everyone you know into the mix with you. So as I close this announcement up, I say thank you Irving Plaza for the times so far and we shall catch up with you soon enough. You readers can chime in with what you think or hope the new configuration will be like down in the comments and remember to keep a look at our always updated Events Calendar to see who is playing where until this venue returns to us. I’ve heard that it would last almost but not quite a year’s time. That should go by fast enough.
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