Tag Archives: nyc tribute bands

Want To See The “Tribute Fest” In NYC On 11/30/2012?

Poster - Tribute Fest - 2012

It’s almost amazing to imagine the amount of tribute bands that exist nowadays and the number keeps on rising as more and more musicians band together in hopes to bring the music of their favorite bands to the masses in this fashion. Some of my fondest memories with friends were when we would all get together at places like the long shuttered Rock and Roll Café to enjoy tributes to Rush, Pink Floyd, The Doors and The Rolling Stones. I’ve also enjoyed quite a few tributes to KISS as well. This was of course when the real bands were not actually touring if they were still active groups upon the musical geography. Good times. Good vibrations. That brings us to this next giveaway as The Gramercy Theatre hosts a Rocks Off Entertainment production and brings “The Tribute Fest” to the stage.
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KISS Nation @ Tribeca Rock Club (7/26/2003)

Logo - KISS Nation

Artist: KISSNation
Venue: Tribeca Rock Club (New York, NY)
Date: 7/26/2003
Label: Independent Tribute Artist

Although this particular concert had taken place a few months before I would become one of those online scribes that inform the world about music happenings on this side of the world, I wanted to share it with people because it was a pretty solid warm up to the whole idea when it came down to it. To those friends in the real world, my love for all things KISS is not something new and given the many interesting tributes to their musical body of work I decided to check out one of the more prominent ones to see what they were all about with some friends. The band was called KISSNation and I had met a few of their number at a book signing that Gene Simmons was doing not too long ago. They were walking around and dressed to the nines in character. The faux Gene stalked the avenue and flashed the occasional tongue while the drummer was decked out in his Eric Carr best. I liked that since it was much more different than those bands that only feature Peter. Their gig this evening would be at the Tribeca Rock Club, and while I thought I had seen some local friends perform at the space, I was not 100% certain.
Continue reading KISS Nation @ Tribeca Rock Club (7/26/2003)