Tag Archives: norwegian black metal

Watain Brings Black Metal To Brooklyn In June

The NYC Metal scene is going to get a little bit blacker in the heat of June as the malevolence that is known as Watain sets their sights on Brooklyn for a single show that marks their only US appearance for 2014. You can check out the official press copy after the foreboding poster that broadcasts the event

Tour - Watain - 2014
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Scion A/V and Enslaved awaken “The Sleeping Gods”

This was just too cool to leave alone and not make a mention of in some fashion. It was also the perfect chance to continue to use the official blog for PiercingMetal.com in an engaging way and let it adventure bravely into new and exciting Metal territory a little more than I allow it. So here is the scoop. A couple of months ago those fine folks at Scion A/V offered up a free EP by the legendary Enslaved called “The Sleeping Gods” and this five song opus is a perfect continuation of their latest full length release Axioma Ethica Odini which can be found on their label Nuclear Blast Records. These two albums when listened to in sequence will prove how the group has transcended the role of being just a Black Metal band into something that delves into both the Progressive and the Psychedelic as well. The interesting thing about this is how they do not lose an ounce of their power by doing so and can now bring in a new legion of fans and believers around the world. Nice work.
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PiercingMetal Attends Peter Beste’s “True Norwegian Black Metal” Book Event

Artist: Peter Beste
Location: Steven Kasher Gallery (New York, NY)
Event: “True Norwegian Black Metal” Book Debut & Gallery Exhibit
Date: 5/9/2008
Publisher: Vice Books

peter beste photographs, true norwegian black metal photo exhibit

Acclaimed documentary photographer Peter Beste has reason to celebrate for not only has he captured the images of some of Black Metal’s most imposing players, but he is also getting ready to unleash a book that compiles his best work on this subject for all the fans to enjoy. Titled “True Norwegian Black Metal”, the book is loaded with photographs and images that will take you on a journey into the darkest recesses of the Black Metal genre with Peter and the often notorious members of these bands at your side. To say that this tome is massive would be an understatement as this is a HUGE coffee table sized book which is about sixteen or so inches long and almost two inches thick. Some of the bands that we find featured in its pages are Carpathian Forest, Darthrone, Mayhem, Enslaved and perhaps the most threatening of them all – Gorgoroth. Tonight, at the Steven Kasher Gallery in NYC, Beste would be presenting the book as well as some thirty or so photographs that were available for purchase if you had the desire to take a piece of the book home with you. It was an incredibly cool and windy night, with an almost torrential rain coming down that offered only the gallery as safe haven to those Metal travelers who made their way down to the opening tonight. Of course, I am not sure just how safe any haven is when you have the cold visage of Gorgoroth’s Gaahl and King staring right at you. The band members were here in photograph only and I think that this was a good thing since there is probably just a little more intensity to them in real life that we are best left to only imagine via the help of the photos in the book. We find the bands not only in their natural environments on the stage but also during photo shoots in their towns or among nature. There are even some images from the town where the singer Gaahl has lived all of his life that were shot during a film I will speak on a little later. Think of the most remote place you can and these spots will outdo it immediately. It’s really incredible to also see shots from the infamous Gorgoroth show in Krakow, Poland very prominently displayed. The show became an international incident, but will finally see the light of day care of Metal Mind Productions and MVD Entertainment.
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Dimmu Borgir @ Nokia Theatre Times Square (4/26/2007)

Juggernauts in the Symphonic Black Metal world, Dimmu Borgir had finally returned to NYC. The show would find Kataklysm, Devildriver and Unearth providing support and it was an event to be remembered. We were on point to bring you the full story and take photos of every band. To learn more just scroll past the logo below.

Logo - Dimmu Borgir

Artist: Dimmu Borgir
Venue: Nokia Theatre (New York, NY)
Opener: Kataklysm, Devildriver, Unearth
Date: 4/26/2007
Label: Nuclear Blast Records

“The Invaluable Darkness Tour” would be the title of the event and how fitting this would be to mark the triumphant return of Dimmu Borgir to New York City. We had not seen them since the Ozzfest in 2004 which found them as one of the main stage attractions alongside the original Black Sabbath, Slayer, and a reunited Judas Priest with Rob Halford. This incredible Final Four of Metal made this particular Ozzfest perhaps the best one in years past and to come. As someone who attended this show I felt that it definitely raised the larger public awareness of the incredible music and showmanship that Dimmu possesses. Before the referenced Ozzfest I had only caught Dimmu Borgir once before at the now defunct L’Amour in Brooklyn. This particular show was reinforcing my belief that Metal was indeed back with vengeance for I was in a jam-packed club with about an 800 person capacity and opening the show would be Nevermore, Children Of Bodom and Hypocrisy!!! Yikes, give me more lineups like this one please. After a truly killer and brutalizing set that supported their new album of the time (“Death Cult Armageddon”) I could hardly wait to come back and see what the club would have in store for the Metal faithful next. Sadly, they would close forever only a few weeks after this show but lucky for Metal fans in New York venues like the B.B. King Blues Club and Nokia Theatre would pick up the slack with apparent ease. Tonight, the tour would make a stop at The Nokia Theatre – a great venue for this kind of event with their spacious stage and room for a couple of thousand screaming Metal fans. It would also feature Katakysm, Devildriver and Unearth as support. The mighty Dimmu would be celebrating their newest release on Nuclear Blast Records “In Sorte Diaboli”.
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