Tag Archives: nightwing

DC Comics First Issues Coming October 2018

Hey there readers and before we get into this chapter please know we are a little more than 24 hours away from this years NY Comic Con and I am going to repeat myself for those just learning about us with this post, that I am once again attending this massive event. There are a lot of interesting items hitting the racks from DC Comics this month and if you peruse the list you can surely find something that will interest you. Let’s take a look shall we?

dc comics, comic book covers
“Batman Secret Files” #1

BATMAN SECRET FILES #1: Delve into Batman’s case histories and discover brand-new stories by some of comics’ most exciting talents. The BATMAN team of Tom King and Mikel Janin provides a framing sequence, setting up our hand-picked teams of creators to take a look at Bat-mysteries past and present. Featuring a bevy of Batman villains, including a look at how the Scarecrow’s fear toxin affects the common man, and a special story written by Tom Taylor with art by Brad Walker that teams the Dark Knight Detective with Detective Chimp. ONE SHOT


dc comics, comic book covers
“Cursed Comics Cavalcade”

CURSED COMICS CAVALCADE #1: Horror! Death! Uh…Face-punching! Witness ten all-new stories that promise to be the most terrifying, most shocking and most horrific comic that DC Comics has ever published! (Hyperbole much?) Batman, Wonder Woman, Guy Gardner, Swamp Thing, Zatanna and more of your favorite heroes face unspeakable horrors from the streets of Gotham City to the darkest sectors of the universe.

Continue reading DC Comics First Issues Coming October 2018

DC Comics First Issues Coming July 2016

We are cooking with gas now in terms of the amount of “Rebirth” titles hitting the stands and its enough to say that you better ask for little overtime at the job or setup a table outside on the block to sell some things you don’t need in order to buy some more. That whole vicious cycle  Below you will find the official press provisions about the first issue offerings from DC Comics along with the covers and then I will return at the close with a few more thoughts.

"Justice League Rebirth" #1
“Justice League Rebirth” #1

JUSTICE LEAGUE: REBIRTH #1: Spinning out of the events of DC UNIVERSE: REBIRTH #1, a new day dawns for Earth’s greatest heroes as they welcome three new members to the team, including…Superman? Who is this strange visitor from a dead world—and can he be trusted? Batman and Wonder Woman aren’t so sure.

Written by Bryan Hitch; Art by Bryan Hitch; Cover by Tony S. Daniel

"Justice League" #1
“Justice League” #1

JUSTICE LEAGUE #1: “THE EXTINCTION MACHINE” Chapter One. The oceans rise. The earth quakes. And an ancient power rises to reclaim not just the world, but the universe itself—and not even the combined might of the Justice League can stop it. An all-new era begins with this epic by comic book legend Bryan Hitch (JLA, The Ultimates) and master storyteller Tony S. Daniel (BATMAN: R.I.P., DEATHSTROKE).

Written by Bryan Hitch; Art by Tony S. Daniel and Sandu Florea; Cover by Tony S. Daniel
Continue reading DC Comics First Issues Coming July 2016

DC Comics’ “The New 52” Zero Issues Week Three

Well hello again comic book fans, its nice to see you here once more. If you are just joining in on our “Zero Month” narratives please know that there are two posts that preceded this one and showcase the first couple of grouped titles that received a “0” issue this month. I’ve been breaking them up week by week to assist your absorption and aid you in your shopping for said titles. Take a look at week three.

Comic - Batwoman 0 - 2012

Comic - Birds Of Prey 0 - 2012
Continue reading DC Comics’ “The New 52” Zero Issues Week Three

DC Comics “The New 52” Batman Family Second Issues

As previously blogged about in the PiercingMetal Musings; DC Comics recently re-launched a number of titles and started them off from issue #1 under the branding of “The New 52”. The initiative’s prime objective being to up the number of titles available each month and to offer new readers an easier chance to jump on board with their characters. The New 52 titles have been grouped into eight specifications such as Green Lantern or Justice League themed titles. Last month we blogged about as many of the individual first issues as we could get our hands on and segmented each of the posts based on what family they fell into. Here is our continuation of the overview with the second issues of the Batman family of titles.

"Batman" #2
“Batman” #2

Batman #2: The opening scene finds Batman being set upon by numerous denizens of Arkham Asylum who are in the middle of a full scale breakout. He has some unexpected assistance that might make you scratch your head for a moment and I am not spoiling the scene for you. Some interaction with the Commissioner and a LOT of Bruce Wayne time as he holds court and unveils some big Donald Trump like happenings at a function at Wayne Manor. We meet all of the Robin’s with the exception of Jason Todd and all are in street clothes for this and learn about some of the cool technology that Batman is using in his battle on crime. We close out with a scene that is not too far off from the movie “Seven” if I had to draw a comparison and the reveal at the end while shocking to the readers eyes will likely be explained away somehow that will make sense as the writers line it out. For now it leaves you a little shaken but remember my friends “it’s only a comic book story”. I admit that it did leave me anxious just a tad because I love a good cliff hanger. Scott Snyder writes this tome while Greg Capullo penciled and Jonathan Glapton inked.

"Detective Comics" #2
“Detective Comics” #2

Detective Comics #2: Did not review, official premise follows. Batman sets his sights on the Gotham Ripper, who in turn has his sights on Batman. Meanwhile, Bruce Wayne explores a budding romance with television journalist Charlotte Rivers, who’s visiting Gotham City to cover the gruesome slayings – while also trying to uncover Bruce’s own mystery. But time is running out as both Commissioner Gordon and Batman work to uncover the true identity of this new serial killer.
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DC Comics “The New 52” First Issues: “Batman” Titles

As previously blogged about in the PiercingMetal Musings; DC Comics recently re-launched a number of titles and started them off from issue #1 under the branding of “The New 52”. The initiative’s prime objective being to up the number of titles available each month and to offer new readers an easier chance to jump on board with their characters. New costumes and beginnings are par for the course with the reboot but a number of the company’s most historic moments shall remain unaffected. The New 52 appears to have segmented the titles into a number of different groups based on the relation of the character – for instance there is a Superman and Batman grouping to enjoy and each title relates directly to the character. From these segments I have opted to share my thoughts on the first issues for your reading pleasure. The Batman mythos has a whopping eleven titles and I felt this was a little bit excessive. Four of the titles deal directly with Batman himself and those are “Batman”, “Detective Comics”, “Batman and Robin” and “Batman: The Dark Knight”. To me four titles is overkill and they could have left this at the two staple titles which have become iconic over the decades since Batman first pressed the gas pedal on the Batmobile and left the other remaining titles to his large sub-universe of characters. That being said the other seven titles do just that and give us new issues of “Batgirl” and “Batwoman”; new adventures for the “Birds Of Prey”, “Nightwing” & “Catwoman” while characters you would not expect in their own titles get some face time with “Batwing” and “Red Hood and The Outlaws”. Continue reading DC Comics “The New 52” First Issues: “Batman” Titles