Tag Archives: nightcrawler

Marvel Reveals Jean Grey’s “X-Men Red” Team!

comic book logos, marvel comics, marvel entertainment

While we love sharing the monthly first issues that are coming from the various publishers, we also get a lot of new title launch announcements here at the Media Command HQ and I figured that it’s a good idea to share them with you all. This one shares the insight on the upcoming “X-Men:Red” series which is a new team led by Jean Grey, The Phoenix. Let’s take a look.

The Press Release:
Last week, Marvel announced the continuation of Jean Grey’s story with X-MEN RED, a brand-new series written by Tom Taylor (All-New Wolverine) with art by Mahmud Asrar (All-New, All-Different Avengers Generations: The Unworthy Thor & The Mighty Thor). Today, Marvel is excited to reveal the heroes who will accompany the omega-level telepath as she battles against one of mutantkind and mankind’s most dangerous villains! This uniquely qualified strike force includes Namor, Nightcrawler, All-New Wolverine, her sister Gabby, Gentle (a mutant from Wakanda), and the mysterious new character Trinary, whose secrets will be revealed throughout the pages of X-MEN RED!

“We’ve also got one more fan-favorite hero joining the team in this first arc,” says X-MEN group editor Mark Paniccia. “As the threat level escalates, Jean needs to build a highly specialized team…not just those she trusts, but allies who can survive the oncoming storm.”
Continue reading Marvel Reveals Jean Grey’s “X-Men Red” Team!

Opening: “X-Men: Apocalypse” (5/27/2016)

Logo - X-Men Apocalypse - 2016

Marvel Comics fans are super lucky this month because not only did we get a fantastic new Marvel Studios film with “Captain America: Civil War” that successfully built upon an already dominating franchise, but now 20th Century Fox is tossing its hat into the ring with another one of its X-Men installments. Today “X-Men: Apocalypse” opens up in theaters everywhere. Take a look at the poster, the premise and cast and I’ll return with additional thoughts at the close. We’ve already shared some Promotional Posters and the films second https://piercingmetal.com/check-the-official-trailer-x-men-apocalypse-2016/ so click those hyperlinks to see some additional awesome about it.

Poster - X-Men Apocalypse - 2016

The Premise:
Since ancient times, the first and most powerful mutant, En Sabah Nur, also known as “Apocalypse”—immortal and invincible—has been worshipped as a god. But when Apocalypse awakens from a hibernation of thousands of years, he is disgusted to find out what the world has come to and decides to change it. He recruits four followers, Ororo Munroe / Storm (“Famine”), Warren Worthington III / Archangel (“Death”), Elizabeth Braddock / Psylocke (“Pestilence”) and Erik Lehnsherr / Magneto (“War”), to help him with this task of destroying humanity and building a better world, led by him, from the ruins. Now, Raven / Mystique and Charles Xavier lead a team of young X-Men to face Apocalypse and defeat him. (thanks Wiki)
Continue reading Opening: “X-Men: Apocalypse” (5/27/2016)

All-New Marvel Now! Onsale In April 2014

Marvel Comics has been delivering their “Marvel Now!” initiative for over a year now and I wanted to take a moment to share with you readers some of the brand new first issues that we shall be seeing in April of 2014. There is some exciting stuff heading our way with some long known about heavy hitters and some newer takes on the heroes that will continue to keep us on edge.

Logo - All-New Marvel Now

Continue reading All-New Marvel Now! Onsale In April 2014