Tag Archives: new york state

New York State Rule Bans Ticketed Music Events At Bars

Cancellation announcements are no longer a new thing but I imagine that they will be slowing down as we are getting to the point of nothing being able to be announced as happening for the year. Yesterday some news was making the rounds based on an article on a Syracuse website. It referred to official updates on the State Liquor Authority section of the New York State website insofar as live music entertainment. While the full list of restrictions can be found HERE, I’ve copied one of the most important areas for our readerships interest. Take a look.

new york state

Q: Can I have live entertainment or a DJ in my indoor or outdoor dining area?

A: Restaurants and other on premises food and beverage establishments that have a license through the SLA are only allowed to offer on-premise music if their license certificate specifically allows for such activity (i.e., live music, DJ, recorded, etc.). A manufacturer that has an on premises license also must assure that its on premises license certificate specifically allows for the type of music it is offering. A manufacturer without a separate on premises license may offer music unless its license certificate specifically prohibits such music.
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