Greetings and felicitations my friends, I am back with the final chapter of my 2013 NY Comic Con explorations. It’s been some glorious fun presenting our photographic findings to you for the past few days but with this installment that presentation will come to an end until next year’s convention. It was very weird being one of the huddled masses instead of the working press this time around but as I stressed in an earlier chapter, no one is prevented from bringing a camera along with them to the convention and if you are polite the cosplayers are very accomodating. The hardest part I had was making any new engagements with professionals since some of them just didn’t believe me to be the scribe that I am. Oh well, more time to focus on the ones who know the outlet and appreciate our taking time to focus on them. This final chapter is MOSTLY cosplay and since the characters are pretty easy to figure out there will be limited narrative from me. I’m beyond tired at this point but here we go.
Continue reading PiercingMetal Goes To NY Comic Con 2013: Day 4 – Part 3