The youthful members of Greta Van Fleet have been making some joyful musical noise over the past year and probably even a bit longer than I’ve known about them. I recently admitted that I missed the initial boat on them but have been doing my best to keep tabs on their happenings. The most recent development in their still burgeoning career is their nomination for a Grammy Award (which was documented along with the rest of the items that interest our readers HERE). Last night the guys performed on the stage for the long-standing sketch comedy series “Saturday Night Live”. Let’s watch.
PiercingMetal Thoughts: I have to admit that I don’t always manage to get around to sharing these kinds of clips but I’d like to do more of them since its not only good for band discussion and of course reaching brand new readers, but its also helpful in being on point with the topical news of the time. I wanted to do this especially with the GVF appearance because I was watching a lot of negative commentary go by on Twitter about the band, their looks and their performance. So let’s give a quick analysis of the performance for those folks who are being armchair critics about it. For the newbs, the band does dress “Hippy” to a degree and that is fine by me. Looking different always made me feel I was at a show and not watching the guy or girl standing next to me up there. There is also a strong love of the flow and vibe of the great Led Zeppelin to their music and this shows in how well they play because Zep is not always easy to emulate. To those folks who are saying that the band isn’t talented at all, here is a healthy dose of STFU, please help yourself to more should you finish the glass.
Though I follow the Rock and Metal scene more than any other sound, I remember tuning in to the show when the big news was the Cardi B return and I watched aghast as she delivered a profanity laced, homophobic leaning bit of Rap belligerence. Maybe the fact that much of it was in Spanish bypassed Middle America but it was there and it made me wonder what the special view of her actually was. Of course, its not my genre of focus and my age range is far older than that crowd so perhaps I just don’t get it. If you like that stuff you can have it, I will stick with my Rock and Metal and be on point to rally the charge of talented newcomers like GVF. Sorry for the soapbox but the negativity just annoyed me so I was compelled to speak. You can let me know what you think down below in the comments and tell me if I am off base here in some sense. Months ago I shared the details about their “March Of The Peaceful Army” World Tour and if you missed that post please click HERE to bring it up on a new tab. I’ll close up now and wish the guys good fortune. Hopefully I will be at their Queens, NY appearance in May as its close to my birthday and that is the best way to celebrate IMHO.
Official Website: