Tag Archives: music resolutions

New Year’s Music Resolutions for 2014: Chapter 8

new year's music resolutions

Queue dramatic lead in music and grab those tissues to wipe away the tears dear readers because we have reached the final installment of our “New Year’s Music Resolutions for 2014” and what a fun ride it has been. Now without any further adieu please enjoy this last batch of submitted resolutions.

1. Patrick Sheridan (Fit For An Autopsy): my new years music resolution for 2014 is to keep not giving a fuck what people think or what they tell us about what we should do, and keep doing exactly what we want. thanks to all our friends and fans for their support, and thanks to our label for letting us be who the fuck we are!!!! 2014, we crush!!!

2. Ira Black (Attika 7/former Lizzy Borden): 2014 is the year to get my name on the map! The first one is slated to go and I will have a major press release soon, guaranteed to be the biggest music project, to date, in my career, which I’m very excited about! This year is also the year for me to finish or discard any projects that I have waiting in the wings to be finished! The Ira Black solo record will be included in “Projects to be finished”…. My brothers from Attika 7 and I will be delivering a knockout album this year and doing a ton of touring for a good part of the spring/summer touring season. We have an incredible plan in place and look forward to executing it! I will also be writing a lot of music, new material for myself and other projects, per current negotiations for future collaborations TBA soon! I would also like to thank all the awesome people I’m surrounded by and will strive harder to show my gratitude and will be more patient and Loving to those who matter most to me, which is everyone! Peace.
Continue reading New Year’s Music Resolutions for 2014: Chapter 8

New Year’s Music Resolutions for 2014: Chapter 7

new year's music resolutions

Well hello again dear readers and welcome to our “lucky seven” chapter of the New Year’s Music Resolutions; I’m glad that you are still with us and I should let you know that we appear to be at the penultimate chapter of this years feature. Now before I get too wordy let’s get this party started.

1. Mark Jansen (Epica/Mayan): My New Years Music Resolution for 2014 is releasing at least two albums, one with MaYaN and one with Epica and perhaps one for Laura Marci’s solo project. I hope that we can play many live shows with Epica and if there’s some time left I’d love to do some with MaYaN as well Besides that I hope that there will be many other good releases from other bands coming out in 2014!!!

2. Syka: Is to write the most emotional hardcore music of my career and branch out touring to different parts of the US!
Continue reading New Year’s Music Resolutions for 2014: Chapter 7

New Year’s Music Resolutions for 2014: Chapter 6

new year's music resolutions

Welcome back. I apologize for the brief pause in the series but I did want to get the “Music Milestone” posting about “Defenders Of The Faith” live before too many days had passed and then we had some other things that were time sensitive in my Metal Presentation. So now we are back and hitting you with the sixth installment, I hope you enjoy it.

1. Joel Hoekstra (Night Ranger/Trans-Siberian Orchestra): For 2014, my New Years resolution is to cherish every moment onstage with Night Ranger, Rock of Ages and Trans-Siberian Orchestra and also give my all to a couple of fun recording side-projects I have going. It’s gonna be a GREAT year!

2. Kobra Paige (Kobra and The Lotus): Another new year is a wicked thing because not only does it mean more rip-roaring heavy metal memories, it means new music. This year is going to bring another musical evolution for Kobra and the Lotus and we can’t wait to share it! To all of our amazing supporters and new friends to come, we can’t wait to see you all out there. HORNZM/M
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New Year’s Music Resolutions for 2014: Chapter 5

new year's music resolutions

Gimme Five!!!! Remember when that was a common exchange between friends? No? I guess you younger readers would not recognize it since everything appears to be a “pound” these days. Anyway, before I get too off course here, please allow me to welcome you to PiercingMetal’s “New Year’s Music Resolutions” for 2014; This is Chapter 5 an it’s waiting for your perusal. Please read on.

1. Carmine Appice: Haven’t really thought about it . Much more in goals ! Mine are to get my label Rocker Records going to get out cool product . To make my Historical Rod tribute show a success along with Legacy X my new group with Joe Lynn Turner Tony franklin and Jeff Watson a success . And bring back Analog!!!

2. Amanda Kiernan (Order Of Chaos/Into Eternity): My music resolution .. Well .. 2014 ! I want to release Into Eternity album and The Order of Chaos album! I want these songs to change lives and create positive inspiration in every listener. I want to travel the whole world and meet as many ppl as I can! Learn and grow mentally physically and musically I want to spread my love and happiness through out the whole world through my song and my presence .. If I were to get a bit greedy .. My resolution every year is to become a Rockstar! Cover of the Rolling Stone magazine
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New Year’s Music Resolutions for 2014: Chapter 4

new year's music resolutions

Now we are cooking with gas. Yesteray’s chapter was a lot of fun but don’t worry readers I am not done with the presentation yet so welcome to our “Music Resolutions for 2014” Chapter 4. If you are just joining us now, be sure to click the appropriate tag so you can enjoy the other parts of the series. Now let’s get down to business.

1. Michael DesBarres: My musical plans are pretty simple.to make a lot of music..I feel unfettered by genre..Liberated from category.I want and will play whatever feels right in that moment…I’ve been experimenting with acoustic music in a more vulnerable way and also balls to the wall,cocksure rock and roll. Electronica fascinates me too.The choices of how you use the technology is what’s important. If you go to my website (linked below) you will see the disparate sides of my output.Specifically I am putting out a “Glam Folk” EP..yes, Glam Folk!! called “Solutionism”…acoustic sex music or all ages!..I will return to Japan with Silverhead in june and write a new song for a best of collection coming out in March.I have written a musical based on the imagination of the Marquis de Sade which I will release when it feels right.. I wish all your readers a happy and free year. Free to experiment, free to express the truth. Free.

2. Heidi Parvianen (Dark Sarah): My New Years MUSIC Resolution for 2014 Is that I will do everything to complete the DARK SARAH debut album called “Behind The Black Veil” by several Indie GoGo campaigns, I will add really cool guests on the album, we will do some cool metal riffs on the album, I will try to reach more people and convince you with this new musical style ;), I will try to arrange the first Dark Sarah concert EVER! AND I will complete my studies at the conservatory, I will do my first opera performance in a student opera and do several classical concerts too! But above all the details I know this year will kick ass!!!!! HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!
Continue reading New Year’s Music Resolutions for 2014: Chapter 4