Tag Archives: motor crush

Observing Image Comics @ Book Expo 2018

image comics logo

Now you already know that I was hitting the annual Book Expo and based on my findings have relegated most of my photos and notations over on “The Chronicles” of Piercing Ken since it made more sense.  However, this little narrative is being done to celebrate the great presence that our friends at Image Comics did this year in terms of all the great artist and writer signings and the cool freebies (the full rundown of appearances were cited HERE in case you missed it).  Let’s start off by gleaning this awesome tote that bears their logo and the cool phrase “I Believe In Comics”. We believe in them here at the Media Command HQ as well.

book expo, image comics, book expo 2018, photos of book expo 2018

First up is artist Kickily who was signing copies of “Perdy” which is a Western themed title.  Kickily was also doodling for the people who were taking a copy of the book and I captured him doing this on mine for our Instagram.  I will embed that in a little later.

book expo, image comics, book expo 2018, photos of book expo 2018
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Image Comics Reveals March “Women’s History Month” Variant Covers

Last month we found Image Comics releasing a score of variant covers in honor of its 25th Anniversary. The innovative comics publisher plans on continuing the process throughout the year and since I love bringing the comic book coolness to your attention, I will do my best to keep up with all of those posts. If you missed the item from last month about those variants, please click on THIS LINK and show it to your local retailer to see if they can get you copies of the ones that you have the most interest in. Now it’s time to discuss and showcase the March offerings which will help celebrate “Women’s History Month”. Dig in, and know that I will return at the close.

The Press Release:
Image Comics is pleased to reveal the first five of 11 variants planned for March’s 25th anniversary theme month—“Women’s History.” The variants will serve to celebrate the careers of women in comics, the strides made throughout comics history made by the women’s movement, and the company’s history of shaking up the status quo. 100% of the proceeds made from these March Women’s History variant covers will be donated to Planned Parenthood.

“Many of Image Comics’ staff—myself included—and an ever-growing catalog of some of the most talented writers and artists in the industry, feel strongly about supporting women’s reproductive rights,” said Corey Murphy, Director of Sales at Image Comics. “Women have come a long way in this country, and the progress that’s been made is in part due to the efforts Planned Parenthood has made in sex education and affordable, preventative healthcare. I’m extremely proud to be a part of a company that’s unafraid to take a stance in supporting a non-profit that’s recently been under fire. This month we celebrate Women’s History, the strides the women have made in the comics industry, and the difference that everyone—male and female—has made by coming together in spreading equality.”

Each month of Image’s 25th year will boast a theme for special anniversary variants, beginning with Wednesday, February 1st—the exact date of Image Comics’ founding in 1992, and the date of this year’s “Image Comics Day.”

Available in stores on Wednesday, March 1st:

RAT QUEENS #1 by Kurtis J. Wiebe & Owen Gieni, variant artwork by Colleen Doran

“Rat Queens” #1 – Women’s History Month Variant

Continue reading Image Comics Reveals March “Women’s History Month” Variant Covers