Tag Archives: mike wead

King Diamond Announces North American Headlining Tour

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The Press Release:
KING DIAMOND will embark on a long-awaited North American headlining tour this Fall! The Saint Lucifer’s Hospital 1920 trek will commence on October 15th in San Antonio, Texas and run through December 6th in Dallas, Texas. Support will be provided by Overkill and Night Demon. Additional backing vocals for the KING DIAMOND set will be provided by special guest, Myrkur.

tour posters, promotional posters, king diamond, king diamond tour posters

Elaborates KING DIAMOND on what fans can expect, “This is Saint Lucifer’s Hospital, enter if you dare! We have been busy putting this ever-growing horror story together, and it’s still growing. I know the end of it, but how we will get there will be a long trip. There are so many characters, and so many unexpected things along this journey. It’s a crazy family on another timeline in 1920, where I experienced some hard times, and they have to come to our time to steal from us to survive. This is the most elaborate thing we have ever done, that goes for the stage production as well.
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Mercyful Fate Announces First North American Headlining Tour in Over Two Decades

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The Press Release:
Heavy metal icons MERCYFUL FATE today announce their first North American headlining tour in over two decades! The journey will commence on October 25th in Dallas, Texas and weave its way through fourteen cities, closing on November 16th in Atlanta, Georgia. The tour follows the band’s stunning headlining performance at this year’s edition of Psycho Las Vegas.

tour posters, promotional posters, mercyful fate, mercyful fate tour posters

Vocalist King Diamond comments, “These will be the first MERCYFUL FATE concerts in North American theaters in over twenty years. Memories of a lifetime. Your special chance to see MERCYFUL FATE with the full European festival production, but up close and personal. You cannot miss this… I hereby respectfully invite you to Come To The Sabbath by which you may free your soul and feast with us in the dark of Night. Witches and Demons, you may come as you are! Satanic Regards – King Diamond 666.”
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Mercyful Fate Announce Reunion Of The “9” Lineup

Something wicked this way is coming…..

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The Statement:
NEVER BREAK THE OATH!!! We will be playing an unspecified number of concerts throughout Europe during the summer of 2020, including COPENHELL. It will be the “9” lineup, featuring: Hank Shermann – Guitar; King Diamond – Vocals; Bjarne T Holm – Drums; Mike Wead – Guitar with Joey Vera on the bass while Timi Hansen is away.

mercyful fate
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Watching King Diamond’s “Songs For The Dead Live” @ Saint Vitus Bar (2/6/2019)

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Last night, Metal Blade Records and Metal Injection hosted a screening party at the famed Saint Vitus Bar where those in attendance would be able to enjoy the brand-new King Diamond video release “Songs For The Dead Live”. The event was open to the general public and featured plenty of fans and assorted press and media entities.

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After some quick welcomes by Injection’s Frank Godla, the attendees got to meet Denise Korycki who shot, directed and produced the live release. This must have been some undertaking because the King show is not just him standing in front of you, and instead he is everywhere on this elaborate and very visual setting. Denise lined out a few of the details about such an effort and she was joined by “Abigail” herself. When she is offstage she goes by Jodi Cachia. Saint Vitus Bar is pretty dark and I just snapped this shot with my mobile to have a moment of them talking to the audience.
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“Sleepless Nights” (Live At The Fillmore) (Single) by King Diamond

Artist: King Diamond
Title: “Sleepless Nights” (Live At The Fillmore) (Single)
Label: Metal Blade Records
Release Date: 12/6/2018
Genre: Heavy Metal

The mighty King Diamond sure has been keeping busy once he was given the clean bill of health by the doctors and fans worldwide were able to celebrate his return to the live stage in droves after what I think amounted to a nine-year absence from doing so. When he brought the BIG stage to our regional shows, the fans clamored for a live concert release and in early 2019 we are going to get one as The King calls us to indulge in the album and video “Songs For The Dead: Live At The Fillmore In Philadelphia”. Just the other day we got our first taste of the upcoming release with “Sleepless Nights” which originally hailed from the “Conspiracy” album. Here are some quick thoughts about the tune in this presentation.
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