Artist: Megadeth & Dream Theater – “Gigantour”
Venue: The Mid-Hudson Civic Center (Poughkeepsie, NY)
Opener: Symphony X, Nevermore, Fear Factory, Life Of Agony, Dillinger Escape Plan, Dry Kill Logic
Label: Capitol Records
Date: 8/21/2005
When I was offered the opportunity to cover the “Gigantour” it was a goal of mine to try and do this in a venue that I had never been to previously. Of course The Jones Beach Amphitheatre or the PNC Arts Center would have been an easier commute and travel but this is Metal and raising the bar a notch is what I am all about. I opted for the performance that would be held at the Mid-Hudson Civic Center in Poughkeepsie NY. As many Metal heads know by now the “Gigantour” is the brainchild of Megadeth’s mastermind Dave Mustaine. The show is colossal and features a number of varied and very interesting Metal acts. The roster for the show I would attend would be as follows: Bobaflex, Drykill Logic, Symphony X, Nevermore, Life Of Agony, The Dillinger Escape Plan, Fear Factory, Dream Theater and of course Megadeth. Not as numerous in line-ups as the Ozzfest, but in all honesty I prefer a festival to not be overblown either. It loses some of its appeal if there is too much going on and makes it very difficult to report on.
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