Tag Archives: mike carbo’s new york comic book marketplace

Happening Today: The New York Comic Book Marketplace (3/1/2014)

Clearly I am going to too many wild Heavy Metal shows because the rattling in my head prevented me from realizing that the “Mike Carbo New York Comic Book Marketplace” show is happening today until just last night. This doesn’t affect you at all of course since I was still able to get this broadcast post online for your indulgence just in time.

Logo - NYCBM

The one day only convention will take place at the New Yorker Hotel on 481 Eighth Ave @ West 34th Street. Tickets are available at the door for $20 for the 10AM start and there is a $40 early 9AM entry that gives you a $25 gift certificate to one of the vendors and a jump on some of the other collectors. There will be a costume contest and hundreds of dealers selling comics, and other assorted collectibles. Scheduled guests include Joe Sinnot, Jim Steranko, Neal Adams, Billy Tucci, and many more. You can check the event link below for the larger details. Sadly, PiercingMetal will not be in attendance at this event so if you do go, please fill us in on the coolness in the comments below which have been left open for you to do so.

Official Website: http://www.nycbm.com/