Tag Archives: mick luciano

Lynch Mob @ B.B. King Blues Club (1/31/2011)

Logo - Lynch Mob

Artist: The Lynch Mob
Venue: B.B. King Blues Club (New York, NY)
Opener: Sonic Bliss, Willie Basse
Date: 1/31/2011
Label: Frontiers Records

It was exactly six months to the day when I last caught a once again touring Lynch Mob and that was when the band was acting as direct support for the Michael Schenker Group back in July. The show was great but Lynch and his merry mates only played about seven songs which left the fans that were excited to see him up there again leaving slightly disappointed with the short set. That made tonight’s appearance at B.B. King’s something that they were looking forward to because it was announced that he would be performing a combined “Best Of” set of both Lynch Mob and Dokken material with his band. I had to admit that this interested me very much especially when you considered how drummer “Wild” Mick Brown was once again working with the axe slinger. That made this particular configuration of the group as close to the original as possible with the exception of original bassist Anthony Esposito. The second change in the lineup for tonight would be on bass, as Robbie Crane from Ratt was in place for this go round. The openers listed for the show would be both Sonic Bliss and Wille Basse but I would not catch them and only focus my attention on Mr. Lynch.
Continue reading Lynch Mob @ B.B. King Blues Club (1/31/2011)