Tag Archives: michael b. jordan

Check Out The Official Trailer For “Fantastic Four” Now

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Back in January I shared the Teaser Trailer from 20th Century Fox’s reboot of Marvel Comics own “Fantastic Four” (seen HERE) and based on what was put out there along with the information about some of the changes to the mythology that fans have known for decades the response was less than spectacular. Granted we didn’t really see that much in the teaser but after a few views of the clip it appeared to be more of a Science Fiction film that a Super-hero one and speaking frankly it didn’t do much for me. Earlier today we got a full official trailer that shows our heroes and their powers along with more of the plot so check it out below and then lets discuss.

The Premise: Four young outsiders teleport to an alternate and dangerous universe which alters their physical form in shocking ways. The four must learn to harness their new abilities and work together to save Earth from a former friend turned enemy.
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The Teaser Trailer Is Here: “Fantastic Four” (1/27/2015)

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Hey there readers, so I’ve just come in from walking around in the snow that has blanketed NYC and upon booting up the Central Brain of the Metal Command HQ I learned that the teaser trailer for the Fox reboot of “Fantastic Four” has been released. I’ve embedded yon code below and then we can talk about it a little bit. Check it out.

Overview: The film is directed by Josh Trank and stars Miles Teller (Mister Fantastic), Kate Mara (Invisible Girl), Michael B. Jordan (Human Torch), Jamie Bell (The Thing) and Toby Kebbell (Victor Domashev/Doom). According to the official Wiki “Simon Kinberg and Jeremy Slater wrote the screenplay from a story conceived by Kinberg and Trank. In The Fantastic Four, the team must learn to harness their abilities and work together to save Earth from a former friend turned enemy”.
Continue reading The Teaser Trailer Is Here: “Fantastic Four” (1/27/2015)

Out Today: “Justice League: The Flashpoint Paradox” (7/30/2013)

It thrilled you in comic book form and now the long anticipated animated adaptation of “Flashpoint” is here and entitled “Justice League: The Flashpoint Paradox”. It’s a straight to video release and you can learn more about it below the graphic.

Bluray - Justice League Flashpoint

Brief Premise (as found on Wikipedia): While visiting his mother’s grave, Barry Allen, known as the Flash, is alerted to a break-in by Captain Cold, Captain Boomerang, Heat Wave, Mirror Master, and Top at the Flash Museum. Defeating the rogues, he discovers that they have been hired by his arch-enemy Professor Zoom as part of a plan to destroy Central City. With the help of the Justice League, Barry foils Zoom’s plot, but Zoom’s taunts over the death of his mother still haunt Barry as he departs. The next day, Barry discovers that the world has radically changed: his powers are gone, his mother is alive, his wife Iris is married to someone else, and the Justice League does not exist.
Continue reading Out Today: “Justice League: The Flashpoint Paradox” (7/30/2013)