Tag Archives: meredith finch

Scenes From New York Comic Con 2019: Day One (Part Five)

2019 new york comic con logo

Greetings my fine-feathered fiends, you are back with us once more I see and this is pleasing to me. For the newbie, let me announce that you are now at my 5th and final chapter from my “Day One” findings at the 2019 New York Comic Con. To make sure you’ve enjoyed this properly, please click HERE to open a new tab with every single post that’s run before this one. I’m still in the Artist Alley for a lot of this chapter and will only be chiming when necessary to do so.

new york comic con 2019, nycc 2019, photos from new york comic con 2019, reedpop special events

new york comic con 2019, nycc 2019, photos from new york comic con 2019, reedpop special events
Continue reading Scenes From New York Comic Con 2019: Day One (Part Five)

Exploring NY Comic Con 2016: Day Three, Part Two (10/8/2016)

Since I still have a lot to do I am going to leave this introduction piece as a very simple “Welcome to the continuing presentations from the 2016 NY Comic Con”. I’m still dishing out my “Day Three” stuff because with this being the Saturday session there is a LOT to see and document. If you are just now joining us please click on THIS LINK first since it will bring you a rundown of all the chapters that have been posted before this one. Now without any further adieu, here is “Day Three: Part Two” 🙂 I’ll chime in here and there but mostly will let the photos do the talking.

ny comic con 2016, nycc 2016

ny comic con 2016, nycc 2016
Continue reading Exploring NY Comic Con 2016: Day Three, Part Two (10/8/2016)