Hello there once again oh readers of the PiercingMetal website, we are back as promised with yet another exciting installment in our comprehensive coverage of the 2014 NY Comic Con. For those still coming to terms with their day this is the second chapter of the Day Two festivities and to say that my camera was being kept busy would be an understatement. Let’s get on down to it and finish with where I left off yesterday at the Mega Bloks pavilion. They had a wonderful assortment of statues around in their display and if you were lucky enough to get one they were handing out small figures to some of the people that passed by. I love the giveaways.
You can’t go wrong with anything Minions these days it seems. I love these little guys.
Hey there my comic book convention loving readers, welcome back to the visual offerings from the 2014 NY Comic Con. My Day Two observations begin with this posting and as we have done in the past I will continue to be presenting your hungry eyes with “50” images of the stuff that caught my attention the most. I am a little rattled today for this Friday session of the event because last night I witnessed the Heavy Metal greatness of Judas Priest on the live stage at their show at Barclay’s Center. That review can be enjoyed elsewhere on the website so do please click around for it when you are doing enjoying all of our Con stuff. Let’s start with this sensational Supergirl Cosplayer.
Alright my friends and fellow Comic Book Convention loving maniacs, it’s time to start sharing the adventures that I undertook at the 2013 NY Comic Con. Today was technically the second day of the massive event that dominates The Javits Center and since I was walking this as one of the fans this time around, I had only secured a “3 Day” Pass. Despite losing one day, I felt that we met a wonderful batch of new Cosplay friends and reconnected with a few handfuls of professionals that are always welcome sights at the Con. In order to keep your focus, I’ll be parsing out each post to fifty images apiece. It’s more work for sure but let’s those who want to find themselves do so with more ease. Here we go.
When I arrived to the Javits Center the lines were already incredibly long but that is nothing new when it comes to this particular event. This year had a new process where you had to tap a screen with your badge when you went in or went out so that added to the wait time but it surely helped prevent those fake badges from getting into the event. While I waited on line I met this charming Aussie lass who kept me company until we both went in and on our separate ways. I guess she was in SHIELD Cosplay.
Let’s get this party started shall we? Now, before I get into my many chapter posts about the 2012 NY Comic Con I want to tell you that it already has been a killer week for this reporter. All good things of course as we had a couple of concerts with Three Friends (doing their Gentle Giant set) and the mighty KISS performing at Live On Letterman in the famous Ed Sullivan Theater. This morning I hit a special Q&A session with KISS over at the Sirius XM Studios and of course all of those adventures will become posts as soon as I wrangle all the stuff together. Now it was time to get my butt in gear for the first part of Comic Con which was the Press/Professionals and VIP ticket holders day. This is the second year in a row that the fans mingled in with the Press and Pros as opposed to our kind being given a few hours of peace to observe and make notes about what we needed to see at the Con. The new model gets more fans into the room and now allows the event to span four days.
Once I secured my official Press Credentials it was into the halls of Javits I would go. The badge this year featured “The Walking Dead” rather prominently and as you can see by the photo above the press had a cool and scary looking zombie on it. Of course on the way down to the Javits Center, I met and walked to the hall with these three cool cosplayers. Since they were so nice I snapped my very first fan shots with them. This time around I think I will do a lot more cosplay photos since it lets the fans hard work shine. Enjoy…..
The Cosplayers Three
As you walked into the Javits just before the actual Convention Hall, you saw this awesome sight. A robotic forklift versus an Alien creature. Fans could get inside the automaton for a photo op but I was unsure whether there was a fee for this or not. Probably. Still cool.
A few days ago, the Javits Center in NYC was taken over by the 108th Annual Toy Fair and this massive event brings together the manufacturers and innovative product creators along with the buyers and the media under one massive roof to showcase all of the newest stuff for the toy and gaming populace of the world. PiercingMetal was no longer a stranger to the Javits Center and its wealth of interesting conventions as we had already attended and covered the daunting event known as Comic Con which you can read about by clicking the logo below. I also attended the Photo Expo for the sake of the personal side blog that I keep, but when it came down to it, Toy Fair would be an entirely different affair. Continue reading PiercingMetal Goes To Toy Fair 2011: Chapter One→