Tag Archives: mark wood

Win A Ticket For “I Am: Scarecrow” @ Times Scare On 2/6/2016

It might be winter here in 2016 as our year moves steadily ahead but that doesn’t mean you cannot find a reason to be scared with our latest contest offering. Check out this garish enterprise for free by winning a ticket via this posting. The poster and more information are below so scroll on down…..if you dare.

Poster - I Am Scarecrow

So What Is “I Am Scarecrow”???? Glad you asked, check this out.

“I Am SCARECROW” is a Hard Rock stage performance written, produced and created by SCARECROW lead vocalist John Blaze. The one hour show combines original music as well as some AC/DC, Alice Cooper and Guns and Roses favorites. The stage production has a Zombie Master of Ceremony named Rampart (Played by Hanz) who introduces the SCARECROW (AKA The Butcher Played by John Blaze) and narrates the performance by introducing the various song titles.
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PiercingMetal Spotlights: Trans-Siberian Orchestra

Logo - Trans-Siberian Orchestra

For those who have been living under a rock, let me inform you about the juggernaut of musical enterprise that is the Trans-Siberian Orchestra – it is a power packed ensemble that first came into the public eye with the “Christmas Eve and Other Stories” CD and since that time has performed for record numbers of wide-eyed fans. Primarily a holiday themed group, the original premise of the TSO came from producer Paul O’Neill who was instrumental in a number of Savatage releases in terms of the musical direction that the group took. As a matter of fact the bands signature number “Christmas Eve Sarajevo” was originally presented on that bands “Dead Winter Dead” CD. The rest is as they say history. We’ve covered every release from the band and have seen them perform a number of times. To enjoy our articles on the various Trans-Siberian Orchestra adventures just click their TAG below to launch the query.

Since the original time that I had this group in my no longer used “Artist Of The Month” section on PiercingMetal.com, a number of changes have happened with the lineup but the music and show grows bigger and better each and every year. I start getting goosebumps in anticipation of it happening around October when the tickets usually go on sale. Once you see it for yourself you will understand why. Be sure to check out this amazing group by investigating their catalog via Amazon.com.

Official Website: www.trans-siberian.com

Image - Spotlights

Twisted Sister @ Nokia Theatre Times Square (12/6/2009)

Logo - Twisted Sister

Artist: Twisted Sister
Venue: Nokia Theatre Times Square (New York, NY)
Opener: Jim Florentine & Don Jamieson
Date: 12/6/2009
Label: Razor & Tie Entertainment

A few months ago I had the great idea about covering three distinct appearances in the NYC region in a 24 hour time frame and based on the timing and logistics of each place that I had to visit for that adventure it had been entirely possible to do. Such was the plan for my weekend once again as Winds Of Plague, Ensiferum and the mighty Twisted Sister all were doing shows within a similar space in time. Sadly the WoP show would not be made based on some dramatic schedule changes but the night and wee hours of the morning found me at the Ensiferum show and on its completion while I slept the rest of the dead, the visions of not only candy canes and sugar plumbs were going through my head but also the rousing dreams that were focused on the holiday madness of the Twisted Sister annual Christmas show. Tonight the Bad Boys of Rock & Roll would return for the second year in a row to the Nokia Theatre in Times Square to stuff our stockings in a manner that only they can do properly and when its all been added up this was the fourth year for the now holiday tradition to take place. Interestingly enough the band would opt to NOT have an opening musical act for this show and instead rely on the talents of comedians Jim Florentine and Don Jamieson who both act as co-hosts for the Eddie Trunk VH1 Classic program “That Metal Show”. I was told that each of them would do a short set of material and then we would get a little Sister going on, but my previous nights adventuring kept me from partaking in anything that they offered up. I asked some folks about it and some loved it while others chose to hang around with friends elsewhere until it was closer to the Twisted set time and even though this was the case the biggest gripe I heard was about too much dead time between any entertainment. The doors had actually opened at 6pm and Sister would not hit the stage until 9pm and that is a bit much if you asked me.
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“Oculus Infernum” (remaster) by Van Helsing’s Curse

Artist: Van Helsing’s Curse
Title: “Oculus Infernum” (remaster)
Label: Fangoria Musick
Release Date:
Genre: Symphonic Horror Rock
Rating: 4/5

I reviewed the initial release of Van Helsing’s Curse as one of my very first reviews several years ago and now that it has been re-issued on Fangoria Musick I felt that it was high time to revisit some of these thoughts. Read on Fiends and Fans of things that go bump in the night a dark and sinister adventure awaits you.

It was during the Halloween season of 2003 that we first saw the arrival of Van Helsing’s Curse join up to the world of Symphonic Power Rock and to understand them best you should think of The Trans-Siberian Orchestra with a devilishly devious Halloween twist. Because while the TSO brings you the spirit of Christmas and goodwill so do the members of the VHC make you aware that there is something out there, that you weren’t imagining the noise you heard in the middle of the night and that sometimes being afraid of the dark is the best idea you ever had. With all of the Christmas Carols that are available by the pound it was high time for the Feast Of Samhain to get its due and have a soundtrack of it’s own to help the ghouls and boys celebrate the day. The group has made it their business to address in Symphonic Rock fashion the long overlooked Halloween Season and while we have music like Alice Cooper, The Misfits and Wednesday 13 each delivering a spooky show it is clear that Van Helsing’s Curse will take us on a different journey altogether. The enterprise is the brainchild of Dee Snider (Twisted Sister’s notable front man) and Joe Franco (drummer for Twisted Sister, Widowmaker and the Good Rats) who together set out to do this holiday right. The pair are also joined by guitarist Al Pitrelli (Savatage, Megadeth, TSO) and violinist Mark Wood (TSO) who each help bring this material to life, or dare I say “back to life”, with their contributions.
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Trans-Siberian Orchestra @ Continental Airlines Arena (12/21/2006)

We have been both fans and supporters of the incredible Trans-Siberian Orchestra since we first heard the signature tune on Savatage’s “Dead Winter Dead” CD so long ago. Our yearly coverage of their show continues below, but we did not get to take any photos of the group in action. Hopefully the article sparks your own interest in attending and trust me its always well worth it.

Logo - Trans-Siberian Orchestra

Artist: Trans-Siberian Orchestra
Venue: Continental Airlines Arena (East Rutherford, NJ)
Date: 12/21/2006
Label: Lava Records

The Holiday season would not be complete without my attending at least one of the area performances of the Trans-Siberian Orchestra and by now the group is no longer a mystery to anyone. If you have listened to radio, seen videos and commercials on TV or watched YouTube.com, you have a very clear picture as to who they are and what they do. They have been around ten years now and this year would find no Madison Square Garden show and instead they would perform at both the Nassau Coliseum and the Continental Airlines Arena for the first time. We attended the Continental (or Meadowlands) show for all your eighties rockers, our vantage point would give us a very easy and complete view of the stage and its effects. After the opener of “March Of The Kings” the groups Narrator enters the stage and begins the tale of “Christmas Even And Other Stories”. If this sounds familiar then you are not imagining things for the beginning of the TSO show always follows format and performs their debut release in practically its entirety. It’s a formula that has worked for them, and no one really seems to complain. Over the last couple of years also the group has had some new members in its sometime rotating cast of players and after all these shows and numerous performances I am happy to say that both Jay Pierce and James Robert Lewis are incredible additions to the family. Historically, Jay replaced Daryl Pediford who passed away while Lewis fills in the space where Joe C. used to perform. Once again the players were in top form and this is to be expected for the core musicians in this East Coast Company have been the same for many years with Skolnick, Caffery, Kim, Kinkel, Plate, Z., and Wood. The amount of shows and years of professionalism they all bring to the table have them all making this look quite easy and a whole lot of fun.
Continue reading Trans-Siberian Orchestra @ Continental Airlines Arena (12/21/2006)