Tag Archives: luke skywalker

“Star Wars”: A Galactic Saga Hits Four Decades (1977-2017)

“A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away….” – It’s amazing to realize that this amazing Space Opera was released forty years ago on this very day. I don’t need to cite how those introductory words brought us to the flourish of the orchestrated soundtrack while the opening crawl began and filled us in about what was going on in this particular galaxy. The ride began here and what a ride it’s been. The film and its subsequent sequels have become one of the biggest selling franchises in cinematic history.

I’m happy to report that I saw this film not long after it opened in the cinema, and it was at the now shuttered Ziegfeld Theater in NYC with my Grandmother. She had taken me as a birthday present as the film opened up a few days before I would be celebrating. I don’t remember how long after it opened that we went but it was not open long for sure. I don’t have the ticket from the show as one wasn’t keeping that sort of stuff way back then, or at least I wasn’t – Yet 🙂 I loved the film and am pretty sure that I convinced Nan to take me again or the parents. I wasn’t seeing movies with my friends yet back in 1977. When did you see this film? Are you old enough to have said you saw it during its original theatrical run like I was fortunate to do? Hopefully you aren’t one of those folks that have never seen the film because I have heard that a few of you are out there. I’ll run down the cast in a moment but first – Behold the Original “Star Wars” Theatrical Poster. Magnificent isn’t it?

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The Countdown To December Begins: Episode VIII Is “Star Wars: The Last Jedi”

You can almost here the classic John Williams music with this little bit of news as they just announced that the next chapter in the “Star Wars” universe franchise will be “Star Wars: The Last Jedi” and I am pretty excited for the continuation of the stories that began so long ago in my personal world. All we have is the title and this cool photo right now so dig in.

PiercingMetal Thoughts: I’ve admitted that I didn’t “love” “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” but I did still view it as a pretty good cinematic time since I grew up on the franchise. I did love to death the still rocking the box office “Rogue One: A Star Wars Story” (which has generated over $1 billion dollars in case you wondered). I am very hopeful that with this new installment in the mythology that we get some real in depth ground covered and awesome new characters to take us further into the future. So what do you think of the now official title and what are your hopes for it? Let me know in the comments below. December cannot come fast enough for me even though we’ve pretty much just arrived at Jannuary.

Official Film Wiki: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Star_Wars:_The_Last_Jedi

Get Galactic With “Star Wars The Force Awakens” Full Trailer

Logo - Star Wars The Force Awakens

Last night during “Monday Night Football”, Disney unveiled the full official trailer for the upcoming film “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” and since I was not going to sit through a football game to catch this I simply kept the YouTube.com page open to “Star Wars” account until it was there for the rest of the non-sports focused folks to see and if you missed it for some reason it is right below for your enjoyment. I’ll be back afterward.

PiercingMetal Thoughts: The more I see the more I like but since tickets went on sale shortly after the trailer premiered for its December 18th opening I don’t think I am getting into the movie theater for the film until the end of February based on all the demand. Everyone is super excited about this one and yes it sure does look good and I hope it is. Remember we were all excited for the first of the three prequels and that gave us Jar Jar Binks and some politically incorrect sounding tradespeople and more. Anyway, this really does keep you on the edge of your seat and I am game but hope that the world of Facebook Spoilers don’t ruin it for me before I get a chance to see it. Considering how quickly they kill folks enjoyment of “The Walking Dead”, I might have disable my account until I get into a cinema. What did you readers think of the longer trailer? Also, were you one of the lucky ones that snagged tickets? Let us know in the comments section as that is what its there for.

Official Website: http://www.starwars.com
Official Wiki Entry: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Star_Wars:_The_Force_Awakens

The Teaser Trailer Is Here: “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” (Coming 12/2015)

Logo - Star Wars The Force Awakens

The other day a fan made trailer was getting a lot of buzz as being official but when the larger Republic learned of its not being legit there was a great sadness across the galaxy but now as Black Friday gets underway, the real deal Official Teaser Trailer for the upcoming film “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” has arrived and since I love getting these kind of posts into our film area, you can watch it below. It’s only going to take a little more than a minute out of your day.

Continue reading The Teaser Trailer Is Here: “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” (Coming 12/2015)