Hello there my fine readers and welcome back. You have made it to yet another chapter of the NY Comic Con adventures for the 2014 Event. If you have been here before over the last few days its nice to see you once again and if you are only now just joining us “where have you been? You are late to the program” HAHAHA. That said lets get right on down to business as I present to you the final installment for the Day Two visuals that were captured by the PiercingMetal Camera. This year I have been really posting a lot on the Official Instagram for PiercingMetal and if you are using that network please consider following us HERE because there are different images to enjoy in addition to these. Let’s start the adventuring with this cool Nick Fury, Director of SHIELD Cosplay.
Continue reading PiercingMetal Goes To NY Comic Con 2014: Day 2 – Part 4 (10/10/2014)