While 2023 was a special year for the PiercingMetal outlet based on our celebrating 18 years of online existence, it was also very special for our companion website “The Chronicles of Piercing Ken”. This is because today marks the 13th Anniversary of the Lifestyle Website and all of its diverse content. Some of you might recall my saying how it wasn’t designed to be a professional voice of the media, but the viewpoint changed along with the overall vibe back in 2016. My editorial thoughts on thirteen years of “The Chronicles of Piercing Ken” can be found by clicking HERE
I also invite you to engage with that side of the creative fence on the respective social media networks by checking out the Linktree URL that is listed below. Please refrain from any comment submission here and leave them to the article you’ll be sent to where they count the most.
Official Linktree: Piercing Ken
Hey there loyal readers. I just wanted to take a moment to let you all know that today marks the 5th Anniversary of my Lifestyle Blog, “The Chronicles Of PiercingKen”. For the new visitor, this website was launched to be my “everything else” home on the web and gives me the means to share the other things that I see as a NYC resident and explorer. There is food, fashion, art, music and tourism and I’m quite proud of it because it let’s me show off just how cool living in the Big Apple is. Click the image below to be brought over to the website and see what has been going on over on that side of the creative fence.
“The Chronicles Of PiercingKen” utilizes all of the major Social Networks to fun advantage so please give a like or follow using the links below. Now back to the Metal and thanks for supporting all of these presentations.
Official Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/piercingken
Official Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/piercingken
Official Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/piercingken
Official Google+: https://plus.google.com/+Piercingken
Now that PiercingMetal.com has been online for nine years, I wanted to take a moment and share the news about my side blog “PiercingKen.com” attaining its own fantastic fourth anniversary. My longer termed readers already know about this site but for those new to the program let me explain just a little bit about it so you are right up to speed with the rest. PiercingKen.com is what amounts to being my slice of life blog that let’s me explore other worlds of photography and ideas that come to my mind across a wide and very varied subject matter. I realize that this is a little vague so I will continue after the photograph.
Continue reading Toasting Four Years Of “The Chronicles Of PiercingKen.com” (2010-2014) →
I’d like to take a moment to step outside of the usual things that you readers enjoy on the Official Blog for PiercingMetal.com to share some news about my latest adventure in media. Please allow me to present for your blog surfing pleasure – “The PiercingKen Blog”.
The Link: http://piercingken.com/welcome-to-the-chronicles-of-piercingken/
Clicking the link above takes you to the blog’s very first post and while it lines out the plans, the premise and the reasons for which I launched it in its introduction narrative; I will give you a quick 411 just the same. The idea for this particular blog was to be able to showcase and share the other photography, ideas and things that came to my mind that did not fall into the PiercingMetal core site or blog focus. There were times where I have written things here that would have been better served up on something like the new blog, and now I have the place to put them without going too far in another direction. I also shoot photos of the world around me every single day and another reason is that it let’s me keep my photography and the rest from ending up on Facebook alone.
Continue reading Presenting The “PiercingKen.com Blog” (5/22/2010) →
Where Heavy Music & Pop Culture Collide