The Statement:
We previously shared that Knotfest at Sea would be postponed from August 2020 to August 2021. Due to unforeseen scheduling factors since then, we have made the difficult decision to postpone Knotfest at Sea for the foreseeable future. We greatly appreciate the patience and understanding of the Knotfest at Sea community, this decision was not made easily. All currently booked guests will receive a full refund. While there are no immediate plans for Knotfest at Sea we do hope to get together again in the future. Join the Knotfest at Sea email list to stay in the loop with any future sailings by visiting
PiercingMetal Thoughts: While I’m sad to keep sharing the bad news here at the Metal Media Command HQ about pretty much everything, you cannot disagree that 2020 has been a bear for this kind of stuff for sure. Now based on the logistics of this particular cruise we were not planning on attending but it sure sounded interesting because we do love a good time here at – I’ve not been on any of the music cruises yet despite my interest in several of them. Sure I’ve been on boats plenty of times over the years but I hardly think that the Staten Island Ferry and the Circle Line count as much when it comes to entertainment. That being said I wonder what the vox populi has to say about this latest bit of news. Feel free to chime in with your topical notions down in the space below. See you next time.
Official Websites:
Knotfest At Sea: