I don’t usually like to do two comic book posts in a single day but we’ve got a lot on the media plate this month with the American International Toy Fair coming up and the other things that are bookending this massive convention. Let’s get right on down to the brass tacks and examine the first issues and one-shots coming from the folks over at Dynamite Comics.

DEJAH THORIS #1: Dejah Thoris, obsessed with finding the legendary Gardens of Mars, recruits her own expedition team of scientists. But once outside the palace walls, things don’t go as planned, and the Princess learns the hard way just how dangerous Barsoom really is.
Writer: Amy Chu; Art: Pasquale Qualano
Since the variant covers for “Deja Thoris” looked so awesome I’ve included them here for you as well.
Continue reading Dynamite Comics First Issues Coming February 2018