We’ve been lauding the arrival of the Sony Animated feature “Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse” for a few months now and only recently shared some super cool promotional posters with the readership. You can check those out by clicking THIS LINK in the event you missed it, and not to worry because the second Official Trailer is in there as a link as well. I’ve tried to cover all the bases for your ease of enjoyment. Anyway, before I lose too much track of the point – the film opens today in theaters everywhere. Let’s review the Theatrical Poster, premise and cast before I close out with some editorial opinion.
The Premise: In the “classic Spider-Man mold”, Miles Morales must juggle his high school life with his status as a Superhero.
Continue reading Now Playing: “Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse” in Theaters Everywhere (12/14/2018)