Tag Archives: khary payton

AMC’s “The Walking Dead” Celebrates 100th Episode with Homage Posters

the walking dead tv logo

Earlier today, I announced that the 8th Season of the AMC Original Series “The Walking Dead” was having its premiere and if you’ve gotten a late start to the say and haven’t seen that yet, just click HERE since I don’t feel like repeating all of that information in this brand-new narrative. So you might be wondering why a second post would go up for a show premiering on the same day and well here is the reason. Tonight’s episode will be the 100th of the series and to celebrate it, Greg Nicotero has offered up a barrage of Homage Posters to classic films from over the years.

television posters, promotional posters, amc, the walking dead, homage posters
TWD Homage To “Alien”

television posters, promotional posters, amc, the walking dead, homage posters
TWD Homage To “Back To The Future II”

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Tonight: “The Walking Dead” on AMC (10/22/2017)

Hopefully the trailer that was released during the Comic Con International: San Diego got you all geared up for the new season because the moment is finally here. If you missed the trailer just click on THIS LINK to catch up and then sit down at 9pm (depending on your location) and tune into AMC as “The Walking Dead” returns for Season 8. I’ve added some S7 premise below the intense poster and will close out with some brief thoughts after the casting is recanted.

Season 7 Overview: This season adapts material from issues #100–114 of the comic book series and focuses on the oppressive group of survivors known as the Saviors, led by the vindictive Negan (Jeffrey Dean Morgan). Negan uses numbers, power and lethal brutality to coerce Rick Grimes (Andrew Lincoln), his group of survivors, and the Alexandria Safe-Zone to make regular offerings of supplies and weapons for the Saviors. Eventually, Rick and his group seek allies to help them confront Negan, including members of the survivor communities of the Hilltop, the Kingdom, Oceanside, and the Scavengers, who have had their own dealings with Negan and the Saviors. (thanks Wiki).
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Here’s “The Walking Dead” Season 8 Official Comic-Con Trailer

I guess its safe to assume that a season trailer that attendees of the Comic Con International: San Diego are always looking forward to is the one for “The Walking Dead”. The show is beyond mega-popular at this point and is the source of a lot of peoples frustrations with Facebook since the spoiler folks love to say that something happened on their feed the second after it happens. I view that as a d–k move for sure but have learned to stay off the social network until I get to watch it since I was running out of people to unfriend after ruining it for me. With that said here is the recently revealed Season “8” trailer. Enjoy.

About The Show: After “7” seasons I am not really sure that I need to cite what the show is about but if you have just arrived to our planet or are waking from a lengthy coma as our principle character Rick Grimes did some years ago now, “The Walking Dead” is about life in a world besieged by the dead. Sadly, sometimes the zombies are not the worst thing that our survivors have to deal with and there you go.
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Get Antsy For “The Walking Dead” Season 7 Comic-Con 2016 Official Trailer

I know that the Comic Con International: San Diego fans were likely sitting on their hands in anticipation for this new season trailer for “The Walking Dead” because when we left them off things were looking completely grim. Yeah we finally met Neegan and while we had assumed he was no joke, the mannerisms and attitude we got during that final fifteen minutes seems to show that he means business. Check out the trailer below and then I will continue after the S6 recap and some casting.

Recap of Season 6 (2015–16): The residents of Alexandria put more trust in Rick’s group to protect the town better. A group known as the Wolves use a zombie horde to attack Alexandria, and many lives are lost before the living regain control. While recovering, they learn of a community called the Hilltop, who offer to help trade supplies if they can end the threat of the extortionist Saviors led by a man named Negan. Although Rick’s group decimate one Savior outpost, they are later caught by Negan, and forced to swear loyalty to him. (thanks Wiki).
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