Tag Archives: kenneth branagh

Now Playing: Warner Brothers Pictures: “Tenet” (9/3/2020)

tenet film logo, warner brothers pictures

About two weeks ago we shared the Final Trailer for the Warner Brothers Pictures release “Tenet” and if you missed that narrative, we encourage you to click HERE to be up to speed about it because the film is opening up today in limited theaters. Surprising right? Considering the world that we are living in today and that many places are not permitting ticketed live music events or even indoor dining based on the dreaded Coronavirus that has taken over everyones way of life since March. “Tenet” does in fact open today in a small amount of theaters so maybe your region is one that is permitting this to take place. I know my neighborhoods local theater has been closed for months so I guess this is not going to be possible in NYC but let’s take a look at a new poster, the premise and casting before I return with an editorial closing.

movie posters, promotional posters, warner brothers pictures, tenet, tenet promotional posters

The Premise: A secret agent is tasked with preventing World War III.
Continue reading Now Playing: Warner Brothers Pictures: “Tenet” (9/3/2020)

Warner Brothers Pictures: “Tenet” Final Trailer

tenet film logo, warner brothers pictures

It was way back in May when we last discussed the upcoming film “Tenet” which comes to us care of Warner Brothers Pictures. If you missed that post and feel like checking it out, we suggest that you click HERE first before continuing along. Back then, the world as we know it had become a very different place as result of the Coronavirus and while a number of positive outcomes have come to pass we are still entangled with this virus and how much overall disruption it has caused. Almost every concert and convention that was to happen in 2020 has been cancelled and most movies were moved to 2021 but some studios feel that they can deliver in a limited opening and with that being said here is the Final Trailer for “Tenet”.

The Premise: A secret agent is tasked with preventing World War III.
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Warner Brothers Pictures: “Tenet” Official Trailer 2

tenet film logo, warner brothers pictures

Back around Christmastime we got our first look at the upcoming Warner Brothers release “Tenet”, a film which comes from the visionary direction of Christopher Nolan who gave us “Inception”, “Dunkirk” and “The Dark Knight Trilogy”. If you missed that trailer just click HERE so you are fully stocked with information and then you can take a look at the latest clip which is presented for you down below along with the premise, casting and a different poster. Enjoy.

The Premise: A secret agent is tasked with preventing World War III.
Continue reading Warner Brothers Pictures: “Tenet” Official Trailer 2

Warner Brothers Pictures: “Tenet” Official Trailer

tenet film logo, warner brothers pictures

Before I get started with this latest trailer post, I’ll have to admit that I didn’t know too much about this upcoming offering from Christopher Nolan. Sure I am aware of his “Inception” work and “The Dark Knight Trilogy” which we discussed here on the website some time ago, but this new film “Tenet” has eluded me. It does sound interesting and in the ever-changing quest to make this site as entertaining as possible, here is the debut trailer for the upcoming Warner Brothers Pictures release.

The Premise: A secret agent is tasked with preventing World War III.
Continue reading Warner Brothers Pictures: “Tenet” Official Trailer

Opening Today: “Thor” (5/6/2011)

“Whosoever holds this hammer, if he be worthy, shall possess the power of Thor….”

Those are the words inscribed upon the legendary Mjolnir, the hammer of Thor and the only weapon worthy of a Thunder God. Today the film that presents his adventures to the world will open as Marvel Comics continues their delivery of live action super hero films.

The film stars Chris Hemsworth as The Mighty Thor and his is joined by Anthony Hopkins (Odin), Natalie Portman (Jane Foster), and Tom Hiddleston (Loki). I’ve tried to avoid any advance insight but its been reported that the film will take place both on Asgard and on Earth which is good to find being the case. In terms of comic book characters I have always enjoyed Thor as a super hero even if I was not following him as long as I was the likes of Spider-Man and the Fantastic Four or Hulk. Needless to say I’m pretty excited for this as it brings us one step closer to “The Avengers” which they say will be coming at us in 2012 some time. So far they have been doing a bang up job with these films and each one has led us into the next thanks to the closing teaser scene. My hope is that you readers have seen “Iron Man”, “Incredible Hulk” and “Iron Man 2” already and if not, what are you waiting for? “Thor” is directed by Kenneth Branagh and produced by Kevin Feige.

To avoid spoilers to the larger plot of the film I’ve closed the ability to comment on this posting. Should I end up posting a review of any kind on the site, you will be more than welcome to leave us your own thoughts on that post. Hopefully I will see the film before I hear too many details myself. I seldom get to go on the opening day even though I would love to for stuff like this.