About two weeks ago we shared the Final Trailer for the Warner Brothers Pictures release “Tenet” and if you missed that narrative, we encourage you to click HERE to be up to speed about it because the film is opening up today in limited theaters. Surprising right? Considering the world that we are living in today and that many places are not permitting ticketed live music events or even indoor dining based on the dreaded Coronavirus that has taken over everyones way of life since March. “Tenet” does in fact open today in a small amount of theaters so maybe your region is one that is permitting this to take place. I know my neighborhoods local theater has been closed for months so I guess this is not going to be possible in NYC but let’s take a look at a new poster, the premise and casting before I return with an editorial closing.
The Premise: A secret agent is tasked with preventing World War III.
Continue reading Now Playing: Warner Brothers Pictures: “Tenet” (9/3/2020)