PiercingMetal.com hit the two year mark only a couple of weeks ago and now that its broken the “sophomore curse” this little narrative was penned about how it came to pass in the first place.
I grew up on Spider-Man and Batman comics so a detailed origin story always appealed to me. I mention it like this since one of the questions that I often find myself getting is how I even started up with the reviewing music and concert coverage stuffs. So for those that are interested here is the “official origin story” of this little adventure. It began in the Summer of 2003 when the band Nightwish was making an appearance at the once legendary and now closed L’Amour club. I had been a Metal fan for most of my life since I once was a performer in several local bands of note from my area. The weird thing was finding myself attending a lot more shows around this time since so many fresh and exciting sounds were becoming more available from Europe and some were beginning to travel to our regions. I felt that if they could make the thousands of miles trek then I could certainly hop a car service from one neighborhood to the next. Continue reading “Pre-PiercingMetal Beginnings” or “The Origins Of What I Do”→
While I’ve been meaning to start this blog thing up for some time, I should say that therein lies the problem – the time to get it done properly and keep it interesting is not always something I have available. I’m convinced that working a 9-5 job all day and then choosing to do the “Metal Media Guy” thing in the evening is not only going to cost me my sleep but also my sanity. Oh well, I guess we shall see what happens going forward. My plan for this blog is to outline some of the other thoughts that I come up with based on or around the Heavy Metal reviews website that I have had for a couple of years now, and the adventures that I sometimes have in running it. Let’s face it, not everything that happens in my day as a writer and photographer fall into the context of conventional reviews. If it works and interests some who have never heard of PiercingMetal.com before then fantastic, and on the other hand if it becomes merely a place to rant and vent about weird stuff that happens then I guess that is acceptable as well. I can’t focus too much on senseless worry as it clogs the creative process. Continue reading Welcome to PiercingMetal Musings; The Official Blog of PiercingMetal.com→