Tag Archives: ken pierce

Toasting Four Years Of “The Chronicles Of PiercingKen.com” (2010-2014)


Now that PiercingMetal.com has been online for nine years, I wanted to take a moment and share the news about my side blog “PiercingKen.com” attaining its own fantastic fourth anniversary. My longer termed readers already know about this site but for those new to the program let me explain just a little bit about it so you are right up to speed with the rest. PiercingKen.com is what amounts to being my slice of life blog that let’s me explore other worlds of photography and ideas that come to my mind across a wide and very varied subject matter. I realize that this is a little vague so I will continue after the photograph.

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PiercingMetal Is Nine Years Old Today (4/4/2014)

Hey there my Metal Legions, I am proud to share with you the news that PiercingMetal.com is officially nine years old today and what a ride it continues to be. I want to thank each and every one of you that hits up the domain for the review stuff or enjoys our blogs, photographs and social networking tools. While I feel that I have learned a lot in the nine years of this site being online, I find that it is still a continued learning experience and one that sharpens my creative edge each and every day. I love it and as I write this for you all, I am counting down the minutes to my next adventure.

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Celebrating Ten Year’s Of Music Journalism (9/20/2003-9/20/2013)

editorial logo

Before I begin this little reflection I should make clear that it is NOT the celebration of a PiercingMetal anniversary at all that I am speaking of and is instead more of a personal one because believe it or not, I have been a music journalist for ten years effective today. I can hardly believe that it’s been that long already but let’s get down to the story which begins on September 7th in 2003 when the band Nightwish was making their very first NYC appearance at L’Amour’s in Brooklyn.


Now I had been listening to Nightwish for a little over a year when this was happening and I was finding great appeal in the music that was coming from this part of the world. I grabbed tickets and headed to the show with some friends that I had convinced to join in and take a chance on something that was relatively new in these parts and I kid you not when I expected to find a bare sampling of fans in place upon arrival. I could not have been more wrong as there was a throng of attendees and people dying for tickets to get in. I’m not going into much about the show here but will stress that it blew me away and impressed me at the openness to stuff that was not from around here in any sense of the word. After the show I wrote to the Bravewords.com site, as I read them almost daily and enjoyed their reports about Metal that I never envisioned heading our way back in 2003 and since there was an email address to reach them on I figured letting them know about the show would be cool to do. This was a fan note and since I was still new to the band and their music to our scene I had a lot of mistakes in some of the details. It happens and let’s face it, researching bands of this kind was not as simple as it is nowadays. A day or two passed after Bravewords posted my little paragraph and I booted up the PC after work and found the following (slightly appended for brevity) email message.
Continue reading Celebrating Ten Year’s Of Music Journalism (9/20/2003-9/20/2013)

PiercingMetal Is Eight Years Old Today (4/4/2013)

Whew. Is it here already? Well I guess that it is my friends because today was the day eight years ago that I unleashed PiercingMetal.com onto the general Metal populace of the realm and what an exciting time it has been so far. I’ll have to admit that I’ve started off my music scribe year by doing mostly blog postings based on the amount of “different stuff” for me to get into your line of site but not to worry I will be returning to conventional review practices in the coming weeks to sate that side of your musical hunger. New readers might wonder what we are up to and with the blogs, regional event calendar updates en masse and now the regular calling in to The Heavy Metal Mayhem Radio Show, I’ve been a bit consumed and holding back from traditional review. Stay tuned though because I have a few dozen surprises to get to you as I mentioned. Now let’s enjoy some visuals of eight. Since its a birthday in some sense, a candle was very appropriate.


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PiercingMetal.com Is Seven Years Old Today!!!

I am happy to report that PiercingMetal Is Seven Years Old Today!!!

Can you believe it? I know that it surprises me when I say it aloud but yes it’s indeed true as my PiercingMetal.com website is now seven years old and was officially launched to the world on this day back in 2005. I remember saying when we hit year six that while the domain was “live” for two months already that it was such a different technological landscape back then. Incredibly enough, a whole lot more has changed since I wrote that last anniversary narrative some 365 days ago. I also admit that I felt as if I had just posted my yearly editorial thoughts for 2011 but that was already months ago so you can tell time is flying as we get further into 2012. You’ll have to pardon me if I repeat some of the same thoughts and views as I reflect a little on the site and share where my head is at on the whole thing and what I want for it going forward. I had a little fun with the images for this one so please enjoy those as well.
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