This is an exciting week if you are a fan of The CW’s take on all of the DC Comics Superheroes because all of the shows are making their latest season premieres. Yesterday we had “Supergirl” and tonight it’s “The Flash” turn as Season 4 begins on the network. I’ve secured the poster for the season and have added some reminder of the previous happenings along with the cast. Check it out below.

Season 3 Recap: By changing his past, Barry alters the timeline, resulting in “Flashpoint”. Though he is somewhat able to restore the timeline, this creates new threats, including Savitar. After Harry and Jesse return to Earth-2, another Wells doppelgänger is recruited: the novelist “H.R.” Wells. Both Wally and Caitlin Snow begin to manifest metahuman abilities; Wally suits up as the speedster Kid Flash, while Caitlin is forced to suppress her ice-powers to prevent becoming Killer Frost. When Barry accidentally travels to the future and sees Iris killed by Savitar, he is desperate to change the future to prevent that from happening. After saving Iris and defeating Savitar, Barry takes his place in the Speed Force. (thanks Wiki)
Some Cast/Characters:
Grant Gustin as Barry Allen/Flash
Candice Patton as Iris West
Danielle Panabaker as Dr. Caitlin Snow/Killer Frost
Carlos Valdes as Cisco Ramon/Vibe
Tom Cavanagh as Harrison Wells
Jesse L. Martin as Joe West
Keiynan Lonsdale as Wally West/Kid Flash
PiercingMetal Thoughts: I’m still a part of “Team Flash” when it comes to The CW Network of shows and think that I like this one a whole lot more than that of “Arrow”. I do feel that some of the storyline’s in the overall sense are too drawn out and would like to see the show approach a more “Agents Of SHIELD” methodology with various arcs that all tie together. Otherwise I really like it and hope we get a few surprises and some more heroes that can be utilized across the DC Comics Television Universe. Can we start a thing called the “DCTU”? I’d like to think so. Are you still watching “The Flash” or have you even given it a chance yet? It’s on Netflix if you haven’t so if you program the new season on DVR, you can begin to binge watch the older episodes and then pick up with the recordings. Give it a shot, I think you will enjoy it and I say this as a seasoned superhero fan. Let me know down in the comments section below.
Official Series Wiki: