Hey so we are back and continuing the summary of the new mini-series by Dark Horse Comics featuring the mighty Slayer with “Slayer: Repentless”, It’s issue number two now and if you missed my narrative about the debut issue you’ll want to click on THIS LINK to be more up to speed on the goings on. When we last left, our hero had just received his powers and was learning that with great powers comes great responsibility. Oh wait, that’s a different character altogether but our main protagonist did meet Slayer at the closing pages of the issue. Sort of like when Rey finally reached Luke Skywalker in “The Force Awakens” and the credits began to roll as soon as he turned around.
The “hero” of the tale is Wyatt and he is on a mission of vengeance having just suffered a tremendous loss and the odds against him are rather high since he is facing off against a militant Neo-Nazi order with whom he once had a close association to. Fortunately, he has the guys in Slayer to help fight the battle and as noted in the previous summary, this is the Slayer of now in today’s musical geography. The violence is at an all-time high in this one and the language somewhat colorful and as you read through you will likely chuckle at the occasional Slayer song lyric reference being dropped. I won’t spoil where they are for you of course and leave that to your reading.
Continue reading An Overview Of Dark Horse Comics: “Slayer: Repentless” #2