Tag Archives: john cho

Netflix Presents “Cowboy Bebop” Official Teaser “Lost Session”

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In just about a month, Netflix will begin streaming the live-action adaptation of the mega-popular “Cowboy Bebop” Anime series which features the great John Cho as the lead character Spike. I’ve already lined out my relative lack of Anime background but I have Netflix as a service and will likely sit down to binge watch it when time permits. Since this stems from a beloved franchise, I plan on offering up whatever features and trailers they dish out for our readers who hold this property close to their own hearts. With that said you can follow along by clicking HERE and also enjoy a new Teaser called “The Lost Session” down below. I’ve added the light premise, casting and some images to make your time on the website more enjoyable. See you at the close.

The Premise: A ragtag crew of bounty hunters chases down the galaxy’s most dangerous criminals. They’ll save the world – for the right price. (c/o IMDB)
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Netflix Presents “Cowboy Bebop” Opening Credits

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Despite my love of the comic book scene and numerous conventions, I am so out of my element when it comes to most of the Anime stuff like “Cowboy Bebop” which will be getting its own live-action series in the coming months on the Netflix Streaming service. The first visual of the series is presented below along with some light premise and casting so please enjoy.

The Premise: A ragtag crew of bounty hunters chases down the galaxy’s most dangerous criminals. They’ll save the world – for the right price. (c/o IMDB)
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Now Playing: “Star Trek Beyond” (7/22/2016)

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“Space the Final Frontier”. Yeah its summertime and the movie mode is surely hot as the next chapter in the Star Trek franchise heads out into uncharted territory with the third film for the new cast and “Star Trek Beyond” which comes care of the folks at Paramount Pictures. As you know, this topic has been touched upon a few times already with a bunch of trailers and some promotional posters but if this is brand-new news to you, please click HERE to give a look to all of those items I mentioned. The new film opens today so I will remind you of this with the poster, premise and casting. Enjoy.

movie posters, promotional posters, paramount pictures, star trek beyond, star trek beyond posters, star trek

The Premise:
The crew of the USS Enterprise, halfway into their five-year mission, are attacked by a seemingly unstoppable wave of unknown aliens forcing them to abandon ship. Stranded on an unknown planet and with no apparent means of rescue, the crew find themselves in conflict with a new ruthless enemy who has a hatred of the Federation and what it stands for.
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Paramount Pictures: “Star Trek Beyond” Official Trailer #4

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I’m not going to lie to you here but the very last thing I was expecting to see with only four days remaining until the actual release date was a fourth trailer for Paramount Pictures “Star Trek Beyond”. Could it be that the studio is concerned about the reception? I admit that the very first trailer didn’t sell me but I enjoyed the second and third and even showcased some colorful posters for the film. If you didn’t see all of that, just click HERE to be fully informed. Now let’s get onto this fourth clip.

The Premise: The USS Enterprise crew, led by Captain James T. Kirk (Chris Pine), have been attacked by a powerful unstoppable wave of unknown aliens, who destroy the Enterprise, leaving them stranded on a new planet where they find themselves in conflict with a new ruthless enemy. (thanks Wiki).
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Paramount Pictures: “Star Trek Beyond” Promotional Posters

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I’ll keep this introduction brief because I’ve already touched upon the topic of the Paramount Pictures feature “Star Trek Beyond” a few times already with three trailers. To enjoy all of that stuff, just click HERE and it will open the rundown in a new window on your browser. Now it’s time to showcase all of the posters that I noticed and while you might recognize a few from earlier posts, the majority of them will be brand-spanking new. I’ve also included the premise and cast for good measure. Enjoy.

movie posters, promotional posters, paramount pictures, star trek beyond, star trek beyond posters, star trek

The Premise: The USS Enterprise crew, led by Captain James T. Kirk (Chris Pine), have been attacked by a powerful unstoppable wave of unknown aliens, who destroy the Enterprise, leaving them stranded on a new planet where they find themselves in conflict with a new ruthless enemy. (thanks Wiki).
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