Tag Archives: john c. reilly

Opening: “Kong: Skull Island” (3/10/2017)

Well my friends the BIG day is here and by BIG I mean the opening of the brand new action/adventure film by Legendary Films “Kong: Skull Island”. It doesn’t get much bigger than King Kong does it? Oh and if you said “Well, Godzilla is much bigger” this no longer seems to be the case since they are aiming at the both of them duking it out in the not too distant future. Check out the official theatrical posters

The Premise: In the 1970s, a team of explorers and soldiers are brought together to venture deep into an uncharted island in the Pacific—as beautiful as it is treacherous—unaware that they are crossing into the domain of the mythical giant gorilla known as Kong. (As well as other monsters.) (thanks Wiki).
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Warner Brothers Pictures: “Kong: Skull Island” (Official Final Trailer)

Some months ago I posted what was listed as the “Official Final Trailer” for the upcoming “Kong: Skull Island” film and then the other day my buddy asked me if I had seen the just posted “Official Final Trailer” which I had not. I gave it a once over and decided to keep to the process and share it with you reader below. Check out the most recent Official Final Trailer of “Kong: Skull Island” in the next section.

The Premise: In the 1970s, a team of explorers and soldiers are brought together to venture deep into an uncharted island in the Pacific—as beautiful as it is treacherous—unaware that they are crossing into the domain of the mythical giant gorilla known as Kong. (As well as other monsters.) (thanks Wiki).

Some Cast:
Tom Hiddleston as Captain James Conrad
Samuel L. Jackson as Packard
Brie Larson as Weaver
John Goodman as Bill Randa
John C. Reilly
Jing Tian as San
Terry Notary as Kong

PiercingMetal Thoughts: Wow! They sure did seem to show a lot with this one didn’t they? Okay I am officially going off the grid in terms of reading anything about “Kong: Skull Island” until it opens and I do the posting announcing the films arrival. My plan right now is to see it on the opening day but who knows what will happen between then and right now. I loved what they showed here despite thinking that it was a BIT too much but oh well, that is how they seem to do things nowadays. What did you readers think of this longer and final official trailer? Let me know in the comments below.

Official Film Wiki: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kong:_Skull_Island

Warner Brothers Pictures Presents: Four TV Spots For “Kong: Skull Island”

Today is a good day to monkey around just a little bit since Warner Brothers Pictures ran four distinct TV Spots for the upcoming action/adventure film “Kong: Skull Island”. I’ve culled them all together for you to check out below. Enjoy and know that I will return at the close.

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Legendary Pictures Presents: “Kong: Skull Island” (Official Final Trailer)

Logo - Kong Skull Island

I’ve been waiting for a longer, more comprehensive trailer for this film for a few months since first seeing the one unveiled at the San Diego Comic Con and am happy to share the offering that Legendary Pictures released yesterday. Check out the Official Final Trailer of “Kong: Skull Island” below.

The Premise: In the 1970s, a team of explorers and soldiers are brought together to venture deep into an uncharted island in the Pacific—as beautiful as it is treacherous—unaware that they are crossing into the domain of the mythical giant gorilla known as Kong. (As well as other monsters.) (thanks Wiki).
Continue reading Legendary Pictures Presents: “Kong: Skull Island” (Official Final Trailer)

Opening Today: “Guardians Of The Galaxy” (8/1/2014)

I’ve said for awhile that is was time for the Marvel Cinematic Universe to get more cosmic and what better way to do it than to bring “The Guardians Of The Galaxy” to the big screen in the teams live-action debut. Check out the poster below and then we can discuss a little deeper.

The Premise: I will not even defer to the film’s Wiki entry because their plot reveals too much for me to share in this new broadcast post but essentially the film features a disparate and rag tag group of unlikely heroes from numerous worlds and species. When Thanos dispatches a dangerous henchman Ronan The Accuser to retrieve an artifact that he needs they band together and realize that they can help protect the galaxy from threats of this kind. The trailers have shown that there is a healthy dose of tongue in cheek comedic lines to be found in the film but I am okay with that since Marvel always did have a sense of humor when it was necessary. I don’t think we will be getting slapstick here so don’t worry. I like what I have seen so far and I really enjoyed the original Guardians team that had Starhawk, Charlie – 27, Martinex and Vance Astro so I am hopeful that this does the task that it is supposed to and expands the Marvel Cinematic Universe into the cosmos where so much more cool stuff awaits its fans. Can Captain Marvel or Adam Warlock be far from making appearances or am I dreaming while typing this narrative for you. Only time will tell. Readers might be interested in learning that while the film is only opening up today is the everywhere sense, they have already confirmed that we shall see a sequel. I think I know where “Avengers 3” will be heading. So let’s take a look at the cast and tell me my friends will you see this film? What are your hopes? Please no spoilers if you have somehow been lucky enough to see it somewhere.
Continue reading Opening Today: “Guardians Of The Galaxy” (8/1/2014)