Rock and Roll Toy Collectors are going to love these two new additions to the Funko Pop Rocks line of collectible vinyl figures as both Joey Ramone from Ramones and Jimi Hendrix will be heading our way sometime in June. Let’s take a look at these awesome icons in their Pop styling.
PiercingMetal Thoughts: If you’ve read any of my past coverage of the American International Toy Fair which I do as a part of the convention circuit of events I attend, you know full well how much I love the Funko brand. Last year they offered up a Pop of the great Lemmy Kilmister which I spoke about HERE in case you missed it. In 2015 the world found Pops of Babymetal hitting the shelves and they were so cute but you can check for yourself by clicking HERE to see them. If you like these as well you might only have luck in snagging a Lemmy as I’ve not seen the Babymetal ones in some time. I fear they went the way of the KISS ones that I never bought. Sigh but that is a sore topic for me since I am all about KISS. I will definitely be purchasing the Ramone one and am a little sad that we didn’t get all four members of the famous Punk Rock group. What do you think of these two? Chime in down below.
I’ve been having a blast using the Official Instagram for this past year because I really put it to use at both shows and conventions combined. I guess I have had this account for almost four years now and I remembered creating it when Nightwish was performing for the very first time at The Beacon Theatre in 2012. The overall tally of the Official PiercingMetal Instagram at the time of my posting this narrative is that it has 3,077 photos uploaded and a profile that is followed by 1,133 users. According to the “Best 9” website this account has had 23,905 likes on 1,214 photos and that’s pretty awesome to learn. I strive to have 100% original images and notations on this profile unlike some of the folks out there who use other peoples photos, posters and such as their own. To me that is cheap and those accounts shouldn’t be followed at all. Thanks to the fun website link which you will find at the end of this narrative, I was able to learn what my “9” most popular posted images were in 2016 and I’m sharing that result with you below. Here is the graphic of those nine images that amounted to my “Best 9”. Continue reading Presenting PiercingMetal’s “Best 9” Instagram Photos For 2016→
Alright Punkers, I am back with the final chapter of my exploration of the “Hey! Ho! Let’s Go: Ramones and the Birth Of Punk” exhibit that is currently on display at the Queens Museum. As you’ve seen in the previous two installments, I have been very thorough and am bringing you pretty much everything since a lot of our readers are no where near NYC and cannot come to see this for themselves. I’m picking up where I left off and that is with those European tour posters. Ready? “1, 2, 3, 4!!!”
Gabba Gabba Hey my fellow Ramones maniacs or dare I say “Ramoniacs” LOL. Welcome back to my full on presentation of the Queens Museum exhibit of “Hey! Ho! Let’s Go: Ramones and the Birth Of Punk” which will run until 7/31/2016 – I’m picking up where I left off in the last installment and much like that one there are a LOT of photos to share with you. I’ll be chiming in here and there as I need to so crank up the tunes and get thee enjoying this legendary bands artifacts.
Hey there readers and welcome to our latest adventure. This particular narrative is something that I have wanted to do for a few months already but there just wasn’t time for me to squeeze it in properly. The “Hey! Ho! Let’s Go: Ramones and the Birth Of Punk” exhibit at the Queens Museum opened up in April of this year and will run until the end of July. Its a wonderful collection of Ramones photographs, clothing, instruments, music and assorted other memorabilia. The timing of the opening worked well with the bands 40th Anniversary of their debut album. I raised a glass to that milestone record in a post that you can find HERE. Below is one of the murals outside of the exhibit and I’ll be making my way inside in a moment. Let’s absorb the greatness of that classic logo.
The next few images give you the overall premise of the exhibit. I aimed at being quite thorough for this one and as result have a LOT of photographs to show you. With so many of our readers being over in places like Finland and South America and unable to come all that distance to see something like this I felt it was best to snap as much as possible. So without any further adieu, presenting “Hey! Ho! Let’s Go: Ramones and the Birth Of Punk”. I’ll be chiming in occasionally but not as much as I might in other posts. Continue reading Exploring “Hey! Ho! Let’s Go: Ramones and The Birth Of Punk” @ Queens Museum (Part 1)→