Hello there once again my fine-feathered fans of all things geek. You have safely arrived at the comprehensive coverage of the 2022 New York Comic Con and I am now up to Day Three, Part Three which actually amounts to the last installment of this particular day. Tenured readers can start their perusal but some advice for those just finding the website, please click HERE to see everything in the order that it was posted on a brand-new browser tab. As mentioned before, this kind of event is best enjoyed from the beginning. By this point in the adventure I was feeling the burn and trying to catch up with some friends and had a close encounter with Mr. Stay Puft…
We learned that our friend Miss Cheng was going to be at one of the dealer booths so headed over to see her for a few minutes. It’s always great to have a catch up.
Continue reading Scenes From New York Comic Con 2022: Day Three (Part 3)