Tag Archives: jaymz lennfield

Happy Halloween 2017: Rockers Divulge Their Favorite Horror Films

It’s Halloween and with this post I am giving you a treat that will not promote tooth decay nor lead you to issues with your waistline. In the spirit of my inquiries that featured “Music Resolutions”; I’ve polled a number of Metal and Rock musicians in my world and asked them “What is your favorite Horror movie and why”. So get some popcorn, dim the lights and sit under a cozy blanket as we learn of some awesome talents favorite creepy film. It’s a lengthy list but splitting this one into parts didn’t make sense. Let’s go.

Chris Caffery (Savatage/Trans-Siberian Orchestra): “Halloween”. Because it was the only movie that not only scared me in the theaters it scared me afterwards in real life. In my opinion it’s the best horror film ever made. In the sense of true horror. A real killer. There was no superhuman bs in the first one. Just pure evil.

Gogo Melone (Aeonian Sorrow): From old films was “Dracula”… I really like the atmosphere and as a kid I was a big fan of vampires. The movie that scared my ass off the most and had nightmares for days with, were “The Ring” and “The Exorcism of Emily Rose”…I don’t think I’ll ever see them twice again ??

Jimmy Kunes (Cactus): God there’s so many. “Fearless Vampire Killers”, I know it’s a spoof. But what a film!!!

Elise Ryd (Amaranthe): “The Shining”. Those two kids are the most scary thing I’ve seen. And I don’t like that dude Johnny towards the end. “Here’s Johnny” ? And this is true.. Every time I’m in a hotel with long corridors I expect those kids to show up in the end of the hallway. Haha, that image is haunting me, STILL! It’s Enshrined in my memory.

Archie Kuosmanen (Santa Cruz): Stanley Kubrick’s The Shining because it’s the undisputed heavyweight champion of horror flicks!
Continue reading Happy Halloween 2017: Rockers Divulge Their Favorite Horror Films

Music Luminaries Share Their New Year’s Metal Resolutions for 2012: Part 5

new year's music resolutions

Hey there you are, so very nice to catch you once again. Welcome to the furious fifth installment of these little blog segments as PiercingMetal continues to share with you the New Year’s Metal or Musical Resolutions for 2012 as offered up by some incredibly talented people. I’ve really enjoyed being able to learn what these most Metal mavens have on their minds and judging by the traffic response so have you fine readers back at home. Check these out.

Jack Frost (lead guitarist for Seven Witches): “Well my New Years Metal Rez is I wanna try to continue n make another in ur face record. There’s nothing like haveing fans tell u how much ur music means to them n gets them through the tough times in their lives. And to try to play live more so my son can come n raise his devil horns to me”.

Ronny Munroe (vocals Trans-Siberian Orchestra, former Metal Church/Lillian Axe): “My New Years Resolution is to continue working on being the best father,friend and person I can be and to spread as much happiness as I can to the ones who need it. Corny I know but thats my resolution”.

Jaymz Lennfield (vocals/guitar for Beatallica): “My New Year’s Musical Resolution is to be as focused as ever on being creative, clever, and fun…and if I can’t, then screw it.”
Continue reading Music Luminaries Share Their New Year’s Metal Resolutions for 2012: Part 5

“All You Need Is Blood” by Beatallica

Artist: Beatallica
Title: “All You Need Is Blood”
Label: Oglio Records
Release Date: 5/20/2008
Genre: Mashup Metal
Rating: 3/5

After this one I was pretty sure that I had heard everything and if this is not truly the case then I can at least say that I have heard ALMOST everything in about thirteen different languages. Now there might be some readers who I have already thrown off with this rather absurd opening statement but it had to be said after I had finished listening to the new Beatallica mega-single “All You Need Is Blood”. In typical Beatallica fashion the band that became famous for successfully mashing up the music of the Beatles with that of Metallica have returned with some teaser music to enjoy before they unleash their next “mash-terpiece” upon an unsuspecting world. This time around the guys only give us one song and of course it’s a slightly morphed homage to the classic “All You Need Is Love” and to give everyone their money’s worth the boys do it twelve more times on the release. I’m sure that you’re saying to yourself “one song thirteen times, oh the humanity of it all” and if that would be perfect if this is all that the band did but doing things normally would not make them Beatallica. Instead the band called upon their worldwide legions of fans, the “Beatallibangers” and asked them to contribute translated lyrics to the song in their native tongue. Sounds interesting right? Well as a matter of fact it is but it’s truly a bizarre thing to hear the many different languages being applied to something like this.
Continue reading “All You Need Is Blood” by Beatallica

Beatallica @ Highline Ballroom (9/2/2007)

Beatallica is the unique mashup group that takes the melodies of Metallica and The Beatles and blends them together into some really fun Metal. This ridiculous premise works rather well and tonight the guys wouuld be doing their thing along with Tragedy, the Metal tribute to the Bee Gees, Queen Diamond, and Guyz Night. We made sure to be there to bring the whole night to those who might want to learn more. Just keep scrolling.

Logo - Beatallica
Artist: Beatallica
Venue: Highline Ballroom (New York, NY)
Opener: Tragedy, Queen Diamond, Guyz Night
Date: 9/2/2007
Label: Oglio Records

Every once in a while you will find a show coming through town that is one of those events that is so far off the beaten path of anything that you might normally attend and support. This would be the case when “mash up” Kings Beatallica returned to New York City and scheduled a performance at The Highline Ballroom. For those who are unaware of exactly what Beatallica is, well the name alone should help you with that because the band is a mixture of the Beatles and Metallica in terms of both music and lyrics. Their appearance would coincide with the long awaited and anticipated album of musical adventures entitled “Sgt. Hetfield’s Motorbeath Pub Band”. The night was also going to be the place to see a score of other talented individuals such as the band Guyz Night, an all female King Diamond cover band called Queen Diamond along with Tragedy – The Heavy Metal Bee Gee’s. I knew well in advance that this was going to be a fun experience from beginning to end so here is how it all went down. I admit that in the past I never really or don’t generally discuss unsigned openers but this time around there was so much in the way of amusing stuff going on that such commentary was warranted.
Continue reading Beatallica @ Highline Ballroom (9/2/2007)

“Sgt. Hetfield’s Motorbreath Pub Band” by Beatallica

Artist: Beatallica
Title: “Sgt. Hetfield’s Motorbreath Pub Band”
Label: Oglio Records
Release Date: 7/10/2007
Genre: Heavy Metal
Rating: 3.5/5

When this album first arrived part of my adoration for the contributions to music that the Beatles had done made me want to scream “Blasphemy” at the top of my lungs. Yet when I placed it in the changer I was instead fascinated at the ability of the band to take these hallowed riffs and chords and mix them up with a taste of Metallica. Sounds really weird doesn’t it, but it’s true that there is a band that’s an amalgamation of The Beatles and Metallica and the songs are really are a fun listen when it comes down to it. The ride begins with “Sgt Hetfield’s Motorbreath Pub Band”, and I almost fell over when I heard them say “it was twenty years ago today, Motorhead taught this band to play” as if to honor the real Metallica’s influences. From there I knew to expect the unexpected as far as twisting and turning of that which I knew deep within my musical core and as the pounding drums began for “Revel-ooh-tion” I was finding myself amazed at how close to James Hetfield their own lead singer/guitarist sounded. Coincidently, his name is Jaymz Lennfield, and as you can see the name he uses is also a mix of John Lennon and James Hetfield (fyi the other guys follow suit in their stage names). The song titles follow the same formula as being Heavy Metal music done ala Metallica, but also using the strong Beatles influences as their base and this bears treats like “Sandman” which follows “Taxman”, “Garage Daze Night” and “Leper Madonna” – I am sure you get the picture from these examples and if you don’t then I am not sure how to better explain it.

The listener will also find a strong level of musical competency presented here and each song seems to work in the manner that they had intended it to be done in. All the players are capable musicians in terms of guitars, bass and drums and feature Grg Hammettson (guitar), Kliff McBurtney (bass) and Ringo Larz (drums). Clever aren’t they. They prove their musical talents all around the recording of course but are to be complimented for how they do the song “Ktulu (He’s So Heavy)” most specifically for that one just rocks. I admit that I am not always crazy about spoof or tribute bands but this is neither and yet a little bit of both at the same time. The songs aren’t really comedic pieces that one would find with Weird Al Yankovic, nor are they exact renditions of Metallica or Beatles. They are instead tributes to the styles of both bands in some sense and definitely something that is not as easy to turn off from your stereo as you might think. My favorites included some of the tracks referenced above as well as “Blackened the U.S.S.R.”

Since their inception they have released a number of albums of music that they made available online for download and the group has developed a following in many of the Metal circles. They even found the guys in Metallica amused with this and giving it their blessing instead of suing them. Dream Theater’s Mike Portnoy is also a staunch supporter and believer of what they are doing so given that – how hard could it be for the rest of the general pubic like us to give it a chance. This release is their first “official” album and comes to us via Oglio Records, themselves a growing company. The album was a lot of weird fun for me and instead of leaving me annoyed based on my initial perceptions it left me wanting to see them do this stuff in concert. If you love the Beatles, Metallica and all things Metal in between then at least check out some samples. I do believe you will be surprised. I know that I was.

Track Listing:
1. Sgt. Hetfield’s Motorbreath Pub Band
2. Revol-ooh-tion
3. Blackened The U.S.S.R.
4. Sandman
5. Helvester Of Skelter
6. A Garage Daze Night
7. Anesthesia (I’m Only Sleeping)
8. Leper Madonna
9. Ktulu (He’s So Heavy)
10. For Horseman
11. Hey Dude
12. Sgt. Hetfield’s (Reprise)
13. And Justice For All My Loving

Official Website: www.beatallica.org