Tag Archives: jay jay french

Sevendust’s Self-Titled Debut Hits 20 Years (1997-2017)

It was twenty years ago today that a brand new band on the Metal horizon released their self-titled debut album and I am talking about the crushing power that is Sevendust from Atlanta, GA. The guys were dishing out a sound that came to be known as Alt-Metal or to some “Nu-Metal” and I have to admit that I wasn’t paying attention at all to this kind of thing at the time. Instead, I was finding myself focusing on the stuff coming out of the European side of the Metal fence since it was something that served my own musical cravings a lot more. I disclose this information not as a slight to Sevendust at all but more as an awareness on how one can miss something exciting without even realizing it. Sevendust would be the bands final name as they began as Snake Nation, Rumblefish and then Crawlspace. I’m glad that they settled on Sevendust.

The band members at the time of the debut consisted of Lajon Witherspoon (lead vocals), Clint Lowery (lead guitar/backing vocals), John Connolly (rhythm guitar/backing vocals), Vinnie Hornsby (bass) and Morgan Rose (drums/backing vocals). Though Lowery would leave the lineup in 2003 and be replaced by Snot’s Sonny Mayo, he has since returned to the group and the full original lineup continues to tour together for their legions of fans. This body of musical work was co-produced by Twisted Sister’s Jay Jay French and it was actually thanks to an episode of MTV’s “Behind The Music” that I even first heard the name Sevendust. According to historical record, French’s time working with the band was short-lived. I’ve placed the albums Wiki entry down below for all of the finer details and since I was not in “their camp”, it works out better for you readers at the end of the day. Down below are the original track listings for the release. Later on we would find an expanded release coming out with some bonus live tracks and other versions but this is only about the debut.
Continue reading Sevendust’s Self-Titled Debut Hits 20 Years (1997-2017)

“We Are Twisted F**king Sister” [Blu-ray] by Twisted Sister

Artist: Twisted Sister
Title: “We Are Twisted F**king Sister”
Eagle Vision
Release Date:
Genre: Hard Rock/Heavy Metal Documentary
Rating: 4/5

Before I begin the discussion about this particular music history documentary, I must make the readership aware that I have been listening to the band Twisted Sister for a number of decades now and began my own personal journey with them around the time that the “Ruff Cuts” EP was released. Believe it or not I still have a copy of it somewhere in my collection of albums. That being said I was super interested in observing the documentary that Andrew Horn put together because it was not only going to give us insight from all of the band members that we know from the classic lineup, it would also get some insight from a former member or two and the people that worked closely alongside them at the very beginning.
Continue reading “We Are Twisted F**king Sister” [Blu-ray] by Twisted Sister

Today Only: “We Are Twisted F**king Sister” @ Cinema Village (2/19/2016)

Attention NYC Twisted Sister fans; the brand new documentary “We Are Twisted F***ing Sister” is playing today at Cinema Village in NYC and there are four showings to choose from with the debut at 1:00PM. There is a 4:00PM, 7:00PM (and that one is followed by a Q&A with Jay Jay French and director Andrew Horn) along with a 10:00PM to choose from as well. Depending on your times of availability for the day you have some nice options but I would try and go to the one with the Q&A aspect since that should be interesting. Check out the poster below.

Poster - Twisted Sister - We Are Twisted F--king Sister - 2016

Just in case you missed my post from last month when I posted the trailer for the film, I have embedded that video below once more to keep it easy for you so you can see what you are in store for if you attend. It sure does look like fun and I cannot wait to see it as well. I don’t think I can attend today so will just have to rely on the DVD/Blu-ray release.

PiercingMetal Thoughts: I’ll keep any additional thoughts about this to myself until I see the whole film and get to the review process. I will however leave you with the link to see all of our Twisted Sister related content on the website so you can be as up to date as possible. Just click HERE and it will bring you to everything that is tagged with the bands name. Have fun and if you have added thoughts about any of that Sister content feel free to leave your topical comments on the ones that speak to you the loudest.

Official Website: http://www.twistedsister.com

“We Are Twisted F**king Sister” @ Cinema Village

Poster - Twisted Sister - We Are Twisted F--king Sister - 2016

The brand new documentary about Twisted Sister is entitled “We Are Twisted F**king Sister” and this 7pm showing will also have a Q&A session with guitarists Eddie Ojeda and Jay Jay French and director Andrew Horn. You can purchase the ticket for this particular show in this post. There are also showings at 1pm, 4pm, and 10pm but they will NOT have the Q&A session part to it. Be an SMF and check out this film, then go purchase a copy on DVD or Blu-ray.