Tag Archives: jacob bannon

Roadburn 2018: Details of 2nd Commissioned Performance; Final Bands for Jacob Bannon’s Curation

As previously noted not too long ago, I’ll be continuing to share some of the announcements for this years Roadburn Music Festival in an effort to not only support a really cool happening but also to hopefully expand our global readership base just a little bit. Let’s take a look at the most recently updated news.

roadburn festival 2018 logo

The Press Release:
Further to the already announced commissioned project featuring Oranssi Pazuzu and Dark Buddha Rising, Roadburn Festival is thrilled to announce details of the second of such projects, among the next batch of confirmations for the 2018 edition of the festival.

Artistic Director Walter Hoeijmakers comments:

“For several years now, I have been a passionate supporter and advocate of the incredible music scene that is brewing in Iceland. I have witnessed some truly awe-inspiring performances, both on their home soil and further afield, and it is always an honour to have these musicians join us at Roadburn. What makes all of this even more exciting to me, is that I believe that the best is still yet to come for these talented performers – and I have every confidence that we’re going to get a good dose of that with this commissioned performance at Roadburn 2018. We’re nearing the end of our announcements for 2018 as the festival looms ever closer – our side programme and Cul de Sac bands announcement is pencilled in for early February. With day tickets going on sale this week, Roadburn 2018 looks like it will be another sell out edition, and yet another artistic triumph.”
Continue reading Roadburn 2018: Details of 2nd Commissioned Performance; Final Bands for Jacob Bannon’s Curation

Roadburn 2018: Further Artists Confirmed & Commission Project Revealed

Though it will be not even be remotely possible that I will be an attendee at the 2018 Roadburn Festival in Tilburg, Netherlands, I’d like to begin sharing some of the announcements that we get to our mailbox. At the end of the day this is good content and something that might spark the more adventures types in our readership. It never hurts to expand the horizons with the stuff that is happening outside of our little Metal kingdom. Take a look down below with this recent email from their side of the media fence.

roadburn festival 2018 logo

Artistic Director, Walter Hoeijmakers commented:
“Roadburn has always been about bringing people together, creating a network where the line between friend, fan, performer and artist is blurred. The very foundation of Roadburn is the community that it is built upon, around, and within. Alongside this, Roadburn has always sought to push the boundaries of creativity and expression.

These two defining facets of Roadburn have been brought together for a brand new project – or rather, two brand new projects – for 2018. For the first time, we have commissioned a two groups of entirely separate musicians to create music to be performed specifically at Roadburn. Today we’re thrilled to announce the first of those groups of musicians.”

Familiar to most Roadburners, Dark Buddha Rising and Oranssi Pazuzu are combining their forces to write and perform a new concept piece especially for Roadburn 2018. The collaboration will be titled the Waste of Space Orchestra
Continue reading Roadburn 2018: Further Artists Confirmed & Commission Project Revealed