The mighty Judas Priest have announced some really big news. I’ll share their statement and let you all digest it before I add to the mix.
“Hello maniacs! We are chomping at the British Steel bit to return to world touring….celebrating 50 years of Judas Priest as an even more powerful, relentless four piece Heavy Metal band – with Glenn coming out on stage with us here and there as before…..!! Big thanks to Andy for all you’ve done and continuing to be in the production team for our new album…. See you all soon headbangers!”

*** end of statement ***
PiercingMetal Thoughts: This one is not registering with me so I will have to think on it a little bit before I add anything else. I do wonder what the rest of you Metal maniacs think about the news though so do chime in down below in the comments section and I will see you next time. Stay safe out there.