Tag Archives: hey ho lets go: ramones and the birth of punk

Exploring “Hey! Ho! Let’s Go: Ramones and The Birth Of Punk” @ Queens Museum (Part 3)

Alright Punkers, I am back with the final chapter of my exploration of the “Hey! Ho! Let’s Go: Ramones and the Birth Of Punk” exhibit that is currently on display at the Queens Museum. As you’ve seen in the previous two installments, I have been very thorough and am bringing you pretty much everything since a lot of our readers are no where near NYC and cannot come to see this for themselves. I’m picking up where I left off and that is with those European tour posters. Ready? “1, 2, 3, 4!!!”

hey ho lets go: ramones and the birth of punk, ramones exhibit, queens museum

hey ho lets go: ramones and the birth of punk, ramones exhibit, queens museum
Continue reading Exploring “Hey! Ho! Let’s Go: Ramones and The Birth Of Punk” @ Queens Museum (Part 3)

Exploring “Hey! Ho! Let’s Go: Ramones and The Birth Of Punk” @ Queens Museum (Part 2)

Gabba Gabba Hey my fellow Ramones maniacs or dare I say “Ramoniacs” LOL. Welcome back to my full on presentation of the Queens Museum exhibit of “Hey! Ho! Let’s Go: Ramones and the Birth Of Punk” which will run until 7/31/2016 – I’m picking up where I left off in the last installment and much like that one there are a LOT of photos to share with you. I’ll be chiming in here and there as I need to so crank up the tunes and get thee enjoying this legendary bands artifacts.

hey ho lets go: ramones and the birth of punk, ramones exhibit, queens museum

Continue reading Exploring “Hey! Ho! Let’s Go: Ramones and The Birth Of Punk” @ Queens Museum (Part 2)

Exploring “Hey! Ho! Let’s Go: Ramones and The Birth Of Punk” @ Queens Museum (Part 1)

Hey there readers and welcome to our latest adventure.  This particular narrative is something that I have wanted to do for a few months already but there just wasn’t time for me to squeeze it in properly.  The “Hey! Ho! Let’s Go: Ramones and the Birth Of Punk” exhibit at the Queens Museum opened up in April of this year and will run until the end of July.  Its a wonderful collection of Ramones photographs, clothing, instruments, music and assorted other memorabilia.  The timing of the opening worked well with the bands 40th Anniversary of their debut album. I raised a glass to that milestone record in a post that you can find HERE.  Below is one of the murals outside of the exhibit and I’ll be making my way inside in a moment.  Let’s absorb the greatness of that classic logo.

hey ho lets go: ramones and the birth of punk, ramones exhibit, queens museum

The next few images give you the overall premise of the exhibit.  I aimed at being quite thorough for this one and as result have a LOT of photographs to show you.  With so many of our readers being over in places like Finland and South America and unable to come all that distance to see something like this I felt it was best to snap as much as possible.  So without any further adieu, presenting “Hey! Ho! Let’s Go: Ramones and the Birth Of Punk”.   I’ll be chiming in occasionally but not as much as I might in other posts.hey ho lets go: ramones and the birth of punk, ramones exhibit, queens museum
Continue reading Exploring “Hey! Ho! Let’s Go: Ramones and The Birth Of Punk” @ Queens Museum (Part 1)

Today: “Hey! Ho! Let’s Go: Ramones & The Birth Of Punk” @ Queens Museum

ramones logo circle

Hey there readers, I’m here bright and early on a Sunday morning to let you all know that starting today at the Queens Museum will be an exhibit entitled “Hey, Ho, Let’s Go: Ramones & The Birth Of Punk”. Given its title I don’t actually think I need to explain what the exhibit entails but to make sure you are all on point I have embedded the entire press copy from the museum below. Check it out.

The Ramones in alley behind CBGB, 1977 (Danny Fields)
The Ramones in alley behind CBGB, 1977 (Danny Fields)

The Press Release:

“The Ramones all originate from Forest Hills and kids who grew up there either became musicians, degenerates or dentists. The Ramones are a little of each.” – Tommy Ramone, first press release.

Released in April 1976, the Ramones’ self-titled debut album introduced the world to four unsmiling hoods in ripped jeans and leather jackets, and to the uncompromising attitude known as punk. Ramones’ minimalist tunes, slapstick lyrics, buzzsaw guitars, and blitzkrieg tempo became the wellspring for a genre of music and a strain of culture.

On this first album’s 40th anniversary, the Queens Museum and the GRAMMY Museum are partnering to present an unprecedented two-part exhibition celebrating the lasting influence of punk rock progenitors the Ramones. Hey! Ho! Let’s Go: Ramones and the Birth of Punk. While the exhibition’s two parts will share many key objects drawn from more than 50 public and private collection across the world, each will explore the Ramones through a different lens: the Queens Museum iteration will begin with the Ramones’ roots in Queens and reveal their ascendancy in both music and visual culture, demonstrating their remarkable influence on music, fashion, fine art, comics, and film. The Grammy Museum version will contextualize the band in the larger pantheon of music history and pop culture.
Continue reading Today: “Hey! Ho! Let’s Go: Ramones & The Birth Of Punk” @ Queens Museum