Tag Archives: henrik klingenberg

Sonata Arctica Announce Acoustic Album And Tour For Autumn 2021

sonata arctica logo, sonata arctica, nuclear blast records

The absence of in-person live concert shows has been hard on us all during this terrible pandemic but that is a matter that is out of our control as its important to remain safe above all things. That being said, the masses are receiving the vaccine more and more every day and with this being the case the bands are once again delving into the chance to bring their music to your localities. This announcement finds our Finnish friends in Sonata Arctica revealing a new album and a tour that will be done acoustically. Intrigued? I am too so let’s read on down below.

tour posters, promotional posters, sonata arctica, sonata arctica tour posters, nuclear blast records

The Press Release:
Finnish melodic metal titans SONATA ARCTICA are a band with a unique sound, driven by different emotions and a touch of melancholy. Today, the band announces the release of their first acoustic album, perfectly entitled “Acoustic Adventures – Volume One”, to be released in October 2021 through Nuclear Blast Tonträger Produktions- und Vertriebs GmbH.

“This acoustic form of SONATA ARCTICA has been slowly brewing for years”, comments vocalist Tony Kakko and explains: “The first manifestation of it, besides the few acoustic versions of songs released throughout the years, was the ‘Acoustic Adventures Tour’ in 2019, which proved to be a great success, sparking an idea to get these songs also recorded and out on an album. Or two albums, at least for starters. Our songs have always been based on beautiful melodies, which makes it very easy to transform and rearrange them perfectly into the acoustic form as well. I should mention that many of the songs work so well dressed in acoustic garments.”
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Sonata Arctica Announces “Acoustic Adventures” Finnish Tour

The Press Release:
Sonata Arctica will embark on The Acoustic Adventures Tour in early 2019.
As one of the most famous melodic metal acts in the world, the band shows its
diverse talent by exploring their music acoustically. The Acoustic Adventures tour will take place in Concert Halls all over Finland.

Tickets will become available on Monday, October 29th.

And Now The Same Infornstation in Finnish:

Maailman suosituimpiin melodisen metallin yhtyeisiin lukeutuva Sonata
Arctica näyttää moniulotteisuutensa heittäytymällä akustisen
ilmaisun pariin talvisella Suomen kiertueellaan. Akustisen ohjelmiston
lisäksi Sonata Arctica laajentaa reviiriään keikkapaikkojen osalta,
sillä “Acoustic Adventures”-nimeä kantavalla kiertueella bändi
esiintyy normaalista keikkaympäristöstään poikkeavasti
konserttisaleissa ympäri Suomen.
Liput kiertueen konsertteihin tulevat myyntiin maanantaina 29.10.

*** end of transmission ***

PiercingMetal Thoughts: Wow it looks like I need to get myself to Finland because not only am I a tremendous fan of the band Sonata Arctica and their incredible songs and delivery, we are also allies in this wild world of Metal Music Media. I always catch them when they come to town and strongly suggest friends do the same. Sadly a trek to this is hardly easy but I wonder what some of you closer to the country might think about it so please chime in down below.

“Closer To An Animal” (Single) by Sonata Arctica

Artist: Sonata Arctica
Title: “Closer To An Animal” (Single)
Label: Nuclear Blast Records
Release Date: 8/12/2016
Genre: Power Metal
Rating: 4/5

In a little over a month fans of those Finnish Metal sensations Sonata Arctica will get to enjoy the bands 10th studio album with “The Ninth Hour” which will come care of their longtime label Nuclear Blast Records. The band recently offered up a taste of the release with the first single called “Closer To An Animal” and here are some quick thoughts about the tune. The pacing of the tune is not your typical zooming melodies that we can occasionally find the band doing and its tempo while a little slower is still very steady. I think I can say it harkens back to the couple of years ago “Stones Grow Her Name” stuff if I could pick one out. That’s not a bad thing at all of course. Lyrically this comes across to me as an awareness piece where the band is telling us to be mindful of the Earth and its creatures around us. It’s not preachy at all of course which is very important to make mention of. We have truly come really far but at the same time we have not when it comes down to how we deal with the stuff that is actually important. I liked the chorus and feel in the live sense this will go over great.
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“Christmas Spirits” (Single) by Sonata Arctica

Artist: Sonata Arctica
Title: “Christmas Spirits”
Label: Nuclear Blast Records
Release Date: 12/18/2015
Genre: Holiday Heavy Metal
Rating: 4/5

Finland’s Sonata Arctica are going to be fighting the Krampus with some serious Holiday Heavy Metal thanks to their “Christmas Spirits” single. Before I examine it, here’s what the band had to say about offering up this tune for those Metal Stockings that are hung by the chimneys of the world;

“”Hello everyone out there! Christmas is just around the corner so we decided to cheer you all up with a nice Christmas story. “Decided” might be a bit strong in this context since the ‘Christmas Spirits’ song has been around for about ten years now, we just never had the time to record it. Finally during the Pariah’s Child sessions we managed to do the basic tracks and this autumn we finished the song. I guess the main reason for the delay was getting the lyrics done, it’s nearly impossible to get into the Christmas mood unless it’s actually… you guessed it, Christmas. Hats off to Tony since he did it anyway, this autumn, and without any snow, we might add. Be that as it may, here’s our latest piece of art: ‘Christmas Spirits’! Merry Christmas to everyone & cheers,“

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Sonata Arctica Will Bring “Pariah’s Child” To The USA In 2014

The winter cold is in full sway and we are already getting more snow that we bargained for here on the East Coast but the news about Finland’s own Sonata Arctica returning to our shores for a tour just warms my Metal heart to its very core. Speaking personally, I have been a fan of Sonata Arctica’s music for a few years longer than I have been doing my Metal Music Scribe thing. They impressed me and when I finally met up with them for interview stuff during a performance at B.B. King Blues Club many moons ago, the level of support increased. Check out the press release below their logo.

Logo - Sonata Arctica

The Press Release:
Celebrating their 15th year in existence as a recording artist, Finnish melodic metallers SONATA ARCTICA are proud to announce their 2014 North American tour in support of their upcoming eight studio album, Pariah’s Child, due out in the U.S. & Canada on April 1st. The 33-show trek launches in Teaneck, New Jersey on September 3rd, hits nine Canadian cities, and wraps up in Tampa, Florida on October 15th. Dutch symphonic metallers DELAIN will be direct support; XANDRIA from Germany will open each night. SONATA ARCTICA keyboard player Henrik “Henkka” Klingenberg checks in from the frozen tundras of Finland with a special message for North American fans:
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