The scuttlebutt about the venue known as Brooklyn Bazaar being up for sale had been going on for a couple of months already and while some of the performers I knew in our region felt it would be business as usual until the lease expired whenever that was set to go…the news began to circulate just a short time ago about the venues closure next month. Take a look at the Official Statement that has been posted on some of the reporting outlets.
Presenting The Full Statement On The Matter From Brooklyn Bazaar:
“After 3 years and thousands of shows, events, fundraisers, benefits, podcasts, weddings and everything in between, Brooklyn Bazaar’s stay at Polonaise Terrace is coming to an end. We are extremely bummed to announce that Brooklyn Bazaar will be closing its 150 Greenpoint Ave location at the completion of our current lease, which expires on November 30, 2019. We have tried endlessly to negotiate a new lease extension and term but the landlord has been ridiculously unreasonable, with their final offer only being a month to month extension – which makes programming (from tours to weddings) and operation essentially impossible”.
So NYC real estate once again gets to kick us to the curb. Joy. “I guess this is what you get when you keep convincing yourself that signing short term leases are a good idea. We were naive enough to actually (foolishly) think that this time would be different, this time the landlords would be reasonable, this time they’d work with us…but nope, surprise! I know I’ve said this before but this city (particularly the private real estate sector) really, really makes it tough for independent venues and businesses to survive, let alone succeed. OK, sure NYC lost it’s soul years ago and I get that, but being a native New York kid, it’s extra frustrating to see your city eat it’s own over and over and over again. I mean this is literally like fucking Groundhog Day for us. But it is what it is.”
-Belvy Klein & Aaron Broudo, Co Owners, Brooklyn Bazaar LLC
Continue reading Greenpoint’s Brooklyn Bazaar To Close In November Of 2019