Tag Archives: gotham city

Airing Tonight: “Gotham” (9/22/2014)

Fans all seem to know the details on how Bruce Wayne became Batman, The Dark Knight that looms over Gotham City’s underworld and can probably recite them to you if asked at any point in the day, but what of the city of darkness that pulsed around him? This new show airing on Fox is entitled simply “Gotham” and it aims to give comics fans some insight on the beginnings of the caped crusader’s eventually protected city and the devious villains who lurk in its shadows. Check out the poster and premise below.

Poster - Gotham - S1 - 2014
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DC Comics “The New 52” First Issues: “Batman” Titles

As previously blogged about in the PiercingMetal Musings; DC Comics recently re-launched a number of titles and started them off from issue #1 under the branding of “The New 52”. The initiative’s prime objective being to up the number of titles available each month and to offer new readers an easier chance to jump on board with their characters. New costumes and beginnings are par for the course with the reboot but a number of the company’s most historic moments shall remain unaffected. The New 52 appears to have segmented the titles into a number of different groups based on the relation of the character – for instance there is a Superman and Batman grouping to enjoy and each title relates directly to the character. From these segments I have opted to share my thoughts on the first issues for your reading pleasure. The Batman mythos has a whopping eleven titles and I felt this was a little bit excessive. Four of the titles deal directly with Batman himself and those are “Batman”, “Detective Comics”, “Batman and Robin” and “Batman: The Dark Knight”. To me four titles is overkill and they could have left this at the two staple titles which have become iconic over the decades since Batman first pressed the gas pedal on the Batmobile and left the other remaining titles to his large sub-universe of characters. That being said the other seven titles do just that and give us new issues of “Batgirl” and “Batwoman”; new adventures for the “Birds Of Prey”, “Nightwing” & “Catwoman” while characters you would not expect in their own titles get some face time with “Batwing” and “Red Hood and The Outlaws”. Continue reading DC Comics “The New 52” First Issues: “Batman” Titles