Tag Archives: geeks out

Scenes From Flame Con 2022 @ Times Square Sheraton (Part 2)

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Welcome back my friends to some more coverage of the 2022 Flame Con. This LGBTQ+ Comic Convention is the longest and largest running of its kind and comes care of the folks over at GeeksOUT. This was their first time back since the 2019 event based on the pandemic and I was only able to attend on the first day due to a really hectic schedule for the website. I’ll pick up where I left off with the remaining images. Join me now as we return to the Times Square Sheraton. Starting us off is this Harley Quinn cosplay.

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This cool spectre-like cosplayer was very reminiscent of the “Force Ghosts” from the Star Wars mythology.

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Continue reading Scenes From Flame Con 2022 @ Times Square Sheraton (Part 2)