Tag Archives: friendly neighborhood spider-man

Marvel Announces “Bring On The Bad Guys” Variant Covers

I’m using the visual of a very classic collected edition that Marvel released way back in 1976 called “Bring On The Bad Guys”. The book featured the origins of some of their most sinister villains and was the companion to both “Origins Of Marvel Comics” and “Son Of Origins”. I’m certain that all have been reprinted and can be purchased today but I digress. This was used to laud the latest batch of variant covers that will be hitting the monthly issues listed below.

book covers, marvel comics, marvel entertainment

The Press Release:
Just as the “Acts of Evil” have taken over the Marvel Annuals for the summer, we couldn’t forget to spotlight our terrifying villains during Marvel’s 80th anniversary! Acclaimed artists such as Declan Shalvey, Mike McKone, Inhyuk Lee, Mark Brooks, and more highlight classic Marvel heroes going head-to-head with some of their most iconic foes with all-new covers! Look for Marvel’s BRING ON THE BAD GUYS variants on these select titles:

1. AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #27 by Woo Cheol Lee – featuring Molten Man

2. AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #28 by Bengal – featuring Anna Kravenoff

3. AVENGERS #23 Mike McKone – featuring Count Nefaria

comic book covers, marvel comics, marvel entertainment, bring on the bad guys variant covers
Continue reading Marvel Announces “Bring On The Bad Guys” Variant Covers

Marvel Comics Presents: “Spider-Man Costume” Variants For June

June will be here before you know it, and that means you are going to want to know about some of the upcoming variant covers that will be delivered by the House Of Ideas. This group showcases the best suits of Spider-Man….take a look at the press copy and provided images from Marvel PR.

spider-man symbol black and white

The Press Release:
This June, celebrate Spider-Man with a series of variant covers that show off the webslinger in the many epic costumes he’s worn over the years, including his stealth suit, symbiote suit, webbing suit, cosmic suit, Fantastic Four suit, and more! Look for Marvel’s SPIDER-MAN variants on these select titles this June:

1. AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #23 by Stuart Immonen

comic book covers, marvel comics, marvel entertainment, spider-man costume variants, variant covers

2. AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #24 by Olivier Coipel

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Marvel Reveals “Carnage-ized” Variants For July!

Having recently discussed the “Absolute Carnage” initiative from Marvel Comics, I am thinking that a few more posts will be coming down the pike, so click over to THIS LINK to see anything that has come before or came after this original posting date. Now onto some cool new variant covers that celebrate this massive story.

marvel comics, marvel entertainment, absolute carnage logo

The Press Release:
Everyone is a target as “ABSOLUTE CARNAGE” takes over the Marvel Universe, hooking its symbiote into every hero! To celebrate the release of the epic summer event, Marvel is releasing a series of “Carnage-ized” variant covers that reimagine some of Marvel’s iconic heroes as victims of the deadly symbiote!

First revealed at the C2E2 retailer panel this weekend, Marvel is excited to share additional cover art for this variant program, which will consist of 25 covers. Look for the following “Carnage-ized” variant covers on these select books this July, and look for a full list of the remaining variants in the July Previews catalog!



comic book covers, marvel comics, marvel entertainment, absolute carnage, marvel comics variant covers
“Avengers” #22 (Carnage-ized Variant)

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Marvel Says “Engage With Marvel Battle Lines” – Collectible Card Art Covers Coming In May

To say that yesterday was a busy day for news would be an understatement with some good and yeah even some bad. Now its time to dust off and move ahead and what better way to do that than by seeing some colorful visuals from Marvel Comics with these Collectible Card Art Covers that will be variants based on the “Marvel Battle Lines” game. Dig in.

marvel battle lines logo

The Press Release:
This May, Marvel Comics is celebrating MARVEL Battle Lines – the collectible card battling mobile game created by Nexon – with a series of variant covers showcasing over two dozen in-game cards featuring striking images of some of the most popular Marvel Super Heroes! Look for MARVEL Battle Lines variant covers on these select titles, and don’t miss the special 30th variant debuting on War of the Realms #1, available April 3rd!

1. AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #21 by Sujin Jo

comic book covers, marvel comics, marvel entertainment, battle lines variants
“Amazing Spider-Man” #21 (“Battle Lines” Card Art Variant)

2. AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #22 by Heejin Jeon

comic book covers, marvel comics, marvel entertainment, battle lines variants
“Amazing Spider-Man” #22 (“Battle Lines” Card Art Variant)

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Marvel Comics Reveals “Marvel Meow” Cat-themed Variants For March

The Press Release:
From Black Cat to Hellcat to Kitty Pryde, cat-themed heroes have had an iconic presence in the Marvel Universe – this March, celebrate CAPTAIN MARVEL as Marvel pays homage to one of comics’ most famous felines with a series of MARVEL MEOW variant covers by Japanese artist Nao Fuji! Each variant cover will feature a mini comic centering on heroes like Ms. Marvel, Spider-Man, Captain Marvel, Rocket and Groot, Carnage and Venom, and Wolverine – proving there is nothing cooler than a cat who hangs around super-heroes!


Please note that the art on the attached covers is one panel of a nine-panel comic. Keep checking Marvel’s Instagram to see the full comic strips, which will also be featured on the variant covers of these select March books!
“Daredevil” #3 (Marvel Meow Variant)

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