Tag Archives: francis manapul

ComiXology Originals and Scott Snyder’s Best Jackett Press Celebrate October Launches

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The Press Release:
The comiXology Originals line of exclusive digital content kicks off October with the debut of the first three creator-owned titles penned by #1 New York Times bestselling writer Scott Snyder and co-created by some of the top artists in the industry. First comes We Have Demons #1 by Snyder and Greg Capullo on October 5th, then on October 12th comes Clear #1 by Snyder and Francis Manapul, and on October 19th comes Night of the Ghoul #1 by Snyder and Francesco Francavilla. Closing out the month on October 26th the wickedly curious can get a glimpse at the next five upcoming titles in a Halloween Sampler.

“October has been deemed “Scottober” at comiXology Originals,” says Chip Mosher, comiXology’s Head of Content. “With the arrival of We Have Demons featuring widescreen action and the kinds of jaw dropping storytelling twists that have made Snyder and Capullo the bestselling creator duo of the last 25 years, followed by Clear Snyder’s first noir thriller and Manapul’s first ever creator-owned book, which is a dazzling, sci-fi thrill ride into a strange dystopian future, and in the lead up to the most terrifying night of the year, Snyder and Francavilla—two modern masters of horror—collaborate for the first time with Night of The Ghoul, a bold and bloody reimagining of monsters that celebrates classic creature features.”
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DC Comics Reveals “The Flash” 750th Issue “Decades” Variants

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The Press Release:
On March 4th, the landmark The Flash #750 hits comic book stores and participating digital retailers, spotlighting the Scarlet Speedster and including incredible stories from Flash’s past, present and future. This oversized tribute to one of pop culture’s speediest heroes is guaranteed to become a collectors’ item when it hits stores!

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“The Flash” #750

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